Séminaire Institut

Vendredi 31 Mars 2017 à 11h00.

Screening Effects of Electrolytes at Charged Surfaces

Remco Hartkamp
(University of technology Delft)

amphithéatre IPNL

Invité(e) par
Laurent Joly
Axe : Théorie et modélisation
présentera en 1 heure :

''The interfacial fluid region near a charged solid surface has a strong influence on, for example, chemical processes at the surface, energy storage, desalination, and transport through or along a solid material. Despite the importance of an accurate description of the interfacial fluid region for realistic systems, studies have focused primarily on simplified model surfaces and single-electrolyte fluids. Furthermore, attempts to predict electrokinetic transport based on a static picture of the electric double layer structure have only been moderately successful after accounting for electroviscous effects and dielectric variation. I will discuss an alternative way to look at the electric double layer and its role in electrokinetic modeling. Particular attention will be devoted to the case of charge inversion and a brief look at multi-electrolyte systems.''

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