The Luminescence group is involved in numerous contracts both national and international:


Granted projects in 2023

            • PHC DANUBE,  local coodinator: G. Ledoux Partners: Institute of Physics of Prague, Institute of Chemistry of Bratislava, Title: Effective elimination of drug residues in water using photocatalytic degradation
            • ANR UPH2, Coordinator: Gilles Ledoux Partners: IRCELYon Title: UPconversion photocatalyst for H2 production by water splitting
            • PATHFINDER-OPEN VIRUSong, Coodinator: J. Margueritat Partners: University of Groningen (Netherlands), Universität Siegen (Germany), Instituto de micro y nanotecnologia (CSIC, spain), Institut Fresnel (CNRS, France), Nostics (Netherlands). Title: Vibrations of viral particles scatter light.

            • ANR DexCTer, Local coordinator: Benoit Mahler and Jérémie Margueritat Partners: LuMIn (coordinator Elsa Cassette) and ICB (local coordinator Lucien Saviot) Title: Delocalization of Excitons and Charge Transfer character in colloidal 2D hetero-nanostructures

Granted projects in 2022


            • ANR CASTEX, Local coodinator: D. Amans (coodinator S. Merabia) Partners: team MMCI @ ILM, CETHIL (INSA Lyon) Title: Cavitation Sous Transfert Extrême

            • iMUSTZ-Project, local coodinator: B. Mahler Partners: IRCELyon, Laboratoire de Chimie de l'ENS Lyon, MATEIS Title: 2D heterostructures exploration and tuning for photocatalytic water splitting, from type-II to Z-Schemes.

            • ANR , HOTTIPS, local coordinator: L. Vanel, G. Ledoux Partners: ITES, LPENS, SPEC, Title: HOw the Temperature of crack TIPS affects rupture

            • ANR , README, local coordinator: G. Ledoux Partners: INL, IRCELYON, Title: Rare Earth-Doped Metasurfaces for Upconversion and Photon Avalanching

            • Projet ciblé du PEPR DIADEM LIBELUL,  coordinator: C.Dujardin Partners: Daniel L'Hermite (CEA) Title: LIBS for ELemental high throughpUt anaLysis

Granted projects in 2021

            • EMERGENCE@INC NanoElastic, Coodinator: J. Margueritat . Title: Contrôler la chimie de surface des nano-objets pour contrôler leurs propriétés mécaniques.

            • ANR VITRIPSA, local coodinators: M. Leocmach and B. Mahler Partners: CP2M Lyon (coordinator) and SIMM ESPCI Paris Title: Nanostructured, heat-deactivable and tunable pressure sensitive adhesives from mixtures of vitrimer latexes.

            • France Plan de Relance,  Coodinator: C.Dujardin Partners: ABLATOM S.A. Title: Operating LIBS imaging in the kHz regime

            • ANR , MOTIC, local coodinator: S. Pailhès, G. Ledoux Partners: IRCELYON, ICBMS, UVSQ, Title: Metal Organic Thiolate Coordination Polymers as Innovative Thermoelectric Materials

            • Projet d’investissement FRAMA 2021 DOSFaP,  coordinator: G.Degallais (IP2I) Partners: K.Lebbou Title: Infrared Absorption of Low Loss Sapphire (InALLoS)

            • The Ukrainian-French R&D joint project  coordinator: K.Lebbou Partner: Oleg Sidletskiy (ISMA, Kharkov - Ukraine) Title: heterostructure materials for ultrafast detection of ionizing particles (DNIPRO), 2021–2022)


Granted projects in 2020

            • SATT (Pulsalys) Mecalaser, Coodinator: D. Amans Title: Measuring elasticitic modulus by laser generation of surface waves at a material/liquid interface

            • PHC PROTEUS BI-FR/20-21-012, local coodinator: G. Ledoux Partners: University of Ljubljana , Title: Developement of a fluorescent thermographic camera for cavitating flow studies

            • MITI CNRS , TENSCAV, coodinator: G. Ledoux Title: Cellule de tension pour l’étude de l’implosion de bulles de cavitation

            • Collaborative project founded by CERN (2020-2021)  coordinator: K.Lebbou  Title: Développement et production de fibres scintillatrices de composition grenat pour la physique des haute énergie, 2020-2021

            • Pack Ambition Recherche 2020, Région AURA, DOSFaP,  coordinator: K.Lebbou Partners: IP2I Title: Développement d’Optiques en Saphir Faibles Pertes, 2020-2023

            • Tremplin - CNRS,  Local coordinator: D.Amans Partners: INSP (A.Levy- coordinator), CELIA, NANOMO, Title: Vers une ingenierie du travail de sortie de nanoparticlules d'or

            • PLan Cancer - INSERM, MecaSens,  coordinator: T.Dehoux (Eq. Biophysique) Partners: Eq. Luminescence - ILM (J.Margueritat), LAGEPP, CRCL Title: Quantitative, label-free 3D imaging platform to diagnose the evolution of a tumor and monitor its response to treatment in vitro, 2020-2023

            • International Research program. - CNRS, ScintiLab,  coodinator: K.Lebbou Partners: Institute for Physical Research (Armenia), CERN (Switzerland), Lawrence Berkeley Lab. (USA), Institute for Scintillating Materials (Ukraine), Justus-Liebig University (Germany) Title: An Excellence International Scientific Laboratory in Advanced Scintillation Materials

            • FET-OPEN, SPARTE, coordinator: C.Dujardin Partners: ENS Lyon, ICOHUP SAS, University Milano Bicocca, Czech Technical University, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Nano Active Film Srl and Lyon Ingénierie, Title: Scintillating Porous Architectures for Radioactive gas detection, grant agreement No 899293, 2020-2024

            • PHC-MERLION, coordinator: C.Dujardin and M.Dang Cuong (CINTRA-Singapore)  Title: Scintillation of Perovskite Materials for Imaging and Spectroscopy applications, 2020-2021

Granted projects in 2019

            • IDEX-Breakthrough , OSAG, coordinator G.Cagnoli, Partner: K.Lebbou(ILM),  LMA, Optiques en Saphir pour l’Astronomie Gravitationnelle, 2020-2023

            • ANR , MACAO, local coordinator T. Albaret and J. Margueritat, Partner: MATEIS, Measurement accuracy – case of mechanical properties of oxide nanoparticles, 2019-2022

            • Pack Ambition Recherche, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes , NERFS, local coordinator E.Homeyer, Partner: LaCMOS, SIMAP, MATEIS, VULKAM, IREIS Nouveaux Revêtements pour des Surfaces Frottantes respectueuses de l’Environnement, 2019-2022

            • IDEX Elan ERC, Towards hybrid quantum networks with colloidal spherical quantum wells, coordinator J.Houel, 2019-2020

Granted projects in 2018

            • IDEX Elan ERC, Colloidal semi-conductor monolayer for light conversion applications, coordinator B.Mahler , 2018-2019

            • Région Rhône-Alpes IRICE, Crystal Inside, coordinator M-F Joubert, Partner: CrystalInnov, 2017-2021

            • ANR-ASTRID , SUPERCAV, coordinator D.Colombet (LEGI), Local coordinator G.Ledoux Partner: Pprim, Etude de la supercavitation au sein d'un écoulement confiné et non confiné, 2019-2022

            • PEPS INSIS , MAGIE, coordinator D.Amans, Partner: LN2 (UMI CNRS 3463). Phases MétAstables du Germanium pour des batterIes Efficaces et durables, 2018

            • IDEX-Collège académique , COLUMN, coordinator C.Dujardin, Partner: INSA,LHC, Convergence des recherches sur l’interaction lumière-matière , 2018-2019

            • IDEX-Breakthrough , IPPON, coordinator C.Seassal (INL), Local coordinator C.Dujardin, S.Pailhes Partner: Lab.HC, IRCE-Lyon, ncoherent light and Phonon management in micro-nanopatterned materials for efficient depollution and artificial PhOtosyNthesis, 2018-2022

Granted projects in 2017

            • ANR , UPHocat, coordinator G.Ledoux, Partner: IRCELyon, Up-Conversion for photocatalysis, 2017-2020

            • CPER , OPTOLySE, coordinator C.Dujardin, Partner: Lab.Phys-ENS-Lyon,Lab-HC, Plateforme d'analyse Physico-Chimique , 2017-

            • ANR , Crystalasfiber, coordinator P.Loiseau, Local coordinator K.Lebbou, New generation of Crystal fiber for laser sources, 2017-2020

Granted projects in 2016

            • Programme d'Avenir Lyon Saint-Etienne, programme impulsion, Coordinator : B. Mahler 2D materials via soft chemistry for photo-catalysis, 2016-2017

            • ANR jeune chercheur, NEOGATE, coodinator: J.Houel: Nano-Electro-Optical Gate: a way to control single quantum dot blinking an local charge noise, 2016-2020,WEB

            • ANR ASTRID, NanoDetox, coordinator, M.A. Bolzinger local coordinator: D.Amans, Design of efficient nanoparticles for skin decontamination towards chemical warfare agents, 2016-2019,WEB

            • ANR défi autres savoirs, CLYMENE, coodinator M. Velazquez, local coordinator: Ch Dujardin, Czochralski growth of Li2MoO4 crystals for the scintillating bolometers used in the rare events searches, 2016-2020,WEB

            • ANR France Japan, Memol, Japaneese coordinator: S.Horke, French coordinator: A.Demescence, local coordinator: G.Ledoux, Molecular memory with phase change coordination polymers for futur PCRAM, 2016-2020,WEB

            • FUI EFIGY, Coordinator: Brocier technologies, local coordinator C.Dujardin, Efficient, Lumilous and glow yarns, 2016-2020

            • NATO Science for Peace Security Programme, NATO Co-Director Prof.C.Dujardin, Non NATO Co-Director Dr Dr.O.Sidletskiy (ISMA, Ukraine) New Sensor Materials and Detectors for Ionizing Radiation Detection, 2016-2019

            • Eu H2020 Twin Coordinator Dr. M.Nikl (Czek Academy of Sciences), local coordinator Prof. C. Dujardin, ASCIMAT, Advanced Scintillation Materials, 2016-2018  WEB

Former funded projects:

            • Projet CNRS- CAS (China) 2014, Coordinator: K. Lebbou, Partners : CAS (China), Exploration de problèmes importants dans la préparation et la caractérisation de cristaux, céramiques, verres pour lasers de puissance.

            • Projet Dnipro - LANCASTER 2014-2018, Coordinator: SENSeOR, Local Coordinator: K. Lebbou, Langatate pour capteurs SAW hautes températures résonnant

            • Projet RAPID 2013-2014, Coordinator: K. Lebbou, Partners : ISMA (Ukraine), New scintillating oxide materials with reduced-cost for medicine, security and high-energy physics applications

            • Projet RAPID 2014-2018, Coordinator: SENSeOR, Local Coordinator: K. Lebbou, Partners : ILM,  DGA, Cristalinnov, Senseor Lancaster, Langatate pour capteurs SAW hautes températures résonnant, ,

            • Eu COST Action TD1401, 2014-2018 Fast advanced Scintillator Timing, Coordinator: Etienette Auffray (CERN), Contact ILM C. Dujardin (member of Management committee) WEB

            • Eu COST Action MP1302, 2013-2017 Nanospectroscopy, Coordinator: Monika Fleischer (Tubingen University), Contact ILM Florian Kulzer (member of Management committee)

            • EU European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) PROJECT, Coordinator, Dr. E.Auffray (CERN),  local coordinator Dr. K.Lebbou, INTELUM, 2015-2019,   WEB

            • PICS Project n°6598, Coordinator Dr.K.Lebbou, Co-coordinator Dr. Oleg Sidletskiy (Institute for Scintillation Materials of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) HEPD-Fiber,  Fibres cristallines inorganiques pour les futurs détecteurs en physique des hautes énergies.

            • Fonds unique interministériel dédié (FUI 16), Coordinator: Dr. Nicolas Bathaly, RSA Le Rubis, local Coordinator : Dr. K.Lebbou, Titansaphir, Développement de composants laser de grande dimension en saphir dopé au titane, 2014-2018, Partners : (SIMAP, RSA Le Rubis, Cyberstar,  Amplitude Technologies, ILM), WEB

            • Laboratoire Internationnal Associé, IRMAS, 2009-2017, Partners CNRS-Institut Carnot de Bourgogne (Claude Leroy), CNRS-ILM (C.Dujardin), IPR (A.Papoyan)

            • ANR "FENOPTIC", Fibres optiques silice dopées par des Nanostructures métalliques exploitant la résonance de modes Plasmons localisés pour exalter les amplifications (Raman et Terres rares) et les effets non linéaires - coordinator DRAKA - Partners: Draka, LCMCP, ICB, LPCML (A. M. Jurdyc). End: 01/2013
            • ANR "LUNAPROBE"Luminescent or absorbing nanoprobes for thermal and pressure measurements in cavitation - Coordinator G. Ledoux (ILM) - Partners: LEGI. End: 11/2012
            • Défi instrumentation aux limites de la mission interdisciplinarité du CNRS -CLIC, 2013-2015 Caméra thermique à sondes LumInesCentes sub micromètrique et cadencée au MHz, Coordinator : G. Ledoux
            • ANR Mat&Pro, CINATRA, 2013-2016 Céramiques eutectiques pour Nouvelles Aubes de Turbine à Rendement Amélioré, Coordinator : Michaël Podgorski,  SAFRAN, Partners : (SNECMA,  RSA Le Rubis,  ONERA,  SIMAP,  ICMPE,  IJL, ILM (K.Lebbou))

            • EU ERA-WIDE "SUCCESS": Material sciences, scintillation. ISMA (A.Gektin) - Partners: ILM (A.Belsky), INNO - End 10/2013
            • EU "CleanSpace": Small Debris removal by laser illumination and complementary technologies - Coordinator: CILAS - Partners: ILM (A.Brenier), DLR, ASTRIUM, University Rovira i Virgili, ILTSR, Astronomical Observatory of Adam Mickiewicz University, UNILIM, Astri Polska - End:05/2014
            • EU ERA-WIDE "IPERA": IPR (A.Papoyan) - Partners: ILM (C.Dujardin), Institut Carnot de Bourgogne - End: 11/2014
            • FUI-OSEO "COSIRIX": Composants et systèmes innovants pour la radiologie interventionnelle par rayons X - Coordinator: Trixell - Parners: ILM (C.Dujardin), CEA LETI - NOESIS - Pyxalis - End: 07/2015
            • ANR "SPEPIX": Spectrométrie petit pixels Imagerie X - Coordiinator: CEA LETI - Partners: ILM (C.Dujardin), Trixell, CREATIS, End: 06/2015 
            • LABEX IMUST "REBECA": Rare-Earth Based activE photon Cage.  Coordinator INL: partners: ILM (A.Berthelot) et INL - End: 11/2014.
            • ANR "INFINHI": Meta-materials made of INorganic FIbers for the Next generation of HI energy physics.  Porteur: ILM (C.Dujardin) - Partenaires: CERN, FiberCryst, CELIA - End: 11/2013.
            • FUI-OSEO "2-CLASE": Développement de nouveaux outils pour obtenir des céramiques transparentes utilisées dans les lasers futurs. Coordinator: CILAS - Partners: ILM (A.Brenier), HORUS LASER, SPCTS, CERLASE, XLIM - End:03/2013
            • Abondement OSEO - ALL-Mat., 2013-2015 Ablation Laser en Liquide pour les nanomatériaux fonctionnels. Coordinator : David Amans
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