Complex fluids  Micro-/Nano- Systems  Out-of-equilibrium Matter  



Scientific coordinator : Christophe YBERT

This research topics gathers all activities of the institute around soft matter, particulate and heterogeneous matter, out-of-equilibrium systems and surface effects.

One of the topics' strengths comes from synergies arising from shared questions and problematics, emerging from the different research fields covered by the associated teams. This can be exemplified by the converging topics between cancer invasion and active colloidal systems, physics of liquids and environmental physics, complex fluids and fracture in materials, optics of nanostructure and biomedical imaging, etc.

A special emphasis in all developed activities comes from the multi-scale understanding of interfaces in complex systems: from nm to km, from fs to million years. All activities builds on the development of advanced investigating techniques: extreme confinement, micro-nano manipulation, fast and non-linear imaging, new characterizing methods either optical, electrical, mechanical and acoustical, physico-chemical techniques, molecular numerical simulations, ...

While advances and activities are mostly of fundamental nature, they nonetheless are conducted in close connection to applications in geophysics, medical diagnosis, measure  and detection in environment, energy or development of innovating industrial materials.

Equipes membres

Collaborations inter-Axes

Instrumentation, Optical techniques  Surfaces & Interfaces

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