
Monday 12 December 2022 à 10h00.

Ultrafast energy transients at the nanoscale

Michele DIEGO

Salle FONTANNES, Bâtiment Charles Darwin

Invité(e) par
Francesco BANFI et Natalia DEL FATTI

présentera en 2 heures :

Directeurs de thèse / thesis directors : Francesco Banfi - Natalia Del Fatti

Membres du jury / jury members :

Pierre-François Brevet
Emmanuel Bossy
Roberto Li Voti
Ilaria Zardo
Francesco Banfi
Natalia Del Fatti

Résumé / Abstract :

The impulsive opto-thermo-mechanical dynamics of different nano-systems is studied adopting both experimental and theoretical approaches. In particular, the thermal and mechanical energy exchanges taking place between the nano-object and its environment are analyzed in order to understand their genesis, the parameters ruling their dynamics and provide predictive tools. Different ultrafast phenomena are addressed, such as the electron-electron interaction [1] (fs timescale), electron-lattice thermalization [1] (ps timescale), mechanical vibrations [2,3] (ps-ns timescale) and thermal dynamics [4-6] (ns timescale). Each system is described in the broader framework of the nanoparticle-environment relationship, with special attention on the direction in which energy exchanges take place.

[1] R. Rouxel, M. Diego, P. Maioli et al., JPCC 125, 23275 (2021)
[2] M. Gandolfi, S. Peli, M. Diego et al., JPCC 126, 6361 (2022)
[3] M. Diego, M. Gandolfi, A. Casto et al., Photoacoustics 28, 100407 (2022)
[4] R. Rouxel, M. Diego, F, Medeghini et al., JPCC 124, 15625 (2020)
[5] M. Diego, M. Gandolfi, S. Giordano et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. (accepted)
[6] A. Casto, F. M. Belussi, M.Diego et al., submitted to Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.


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