Mardi 29 Octobre 2019 à 11h00.
From the Architecture of allosteric materials to the wetting of hydrophobic surfaces
Carolina BRITO
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Salle de séminaire Lippmann
Invité(e) par
Stella Ramos Canut
présentera en 1 heure :
''L'équipe Liquides et interfaces invite Carolina Brito de l'Institut de Physique de l'UFRGS - Porto Alegre (Brésil).
Abstract. This talk is devided in two parts.
In the first part I will speak about allosteric materials, a concept exemplified in proteins: in allosteric proteins, binding a ligand affects activity at a distant site. I will discuss the physical principles allowing for such an action at a distance and a numerical scheme to evolve allosteric materials in which the number of solutions, their spatial architectures, and the correlations among them can be computed [1].
In the second part of the talk I will discuss the wetting problem using a theoretical model based on the global interfacial energies, which allow us to predict the thermodynamic wetting states for hydrophobic surfaces. To investigate the dependency of the wetting state on the initial state of the droplet, we implement a cellular Potts model in three dimensions. Among some results, we show that the hidrophobic state is metastable in many cases, in accordance with previous observations [2]. I then discuss why this is the case base on a measure of the free energy of these surfaces.
[1] Architecture and coevolution of allosteric material
Le Yan, Riccardo Ravasio, Carolina Brito, Matthieu Wyart
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v 114, 2526–2531 (2017)
[2] Modeling of Droplet Evaporation on Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Heitor C. M. Fernandes, Mendeli H. Vainstein, and Carolina Brito
Langumuir, v 31, 7652 (2015)''