
Friday 3 December 2021 à 11h00.

Probing statistical dissociation in PAHs using energy correlated ToF technique.

Umesh Kadhane
(Dept. of Physics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, Thiruvananthapuram 695547 (Inde).)

Salle séminaires Lippman

Invité(e) par
Jerome Bernard

présentera en 1 heure :

''Experimentally controlling and quantifying internal energy in a molecule is always a very challenging task. To address this, over the years, experimental methods have evolved in various domains like VUV ionisation-excitation, multiphoton dissociation, ion trap assisted heating and more recently electrostatic ion storage ring experiments etc. These methods often suffer from two constraints; access to a limited decay constant range and ambiguity in decay sequence identification. These constraints particularly limit our understanding of dehydrogenation of PAHs. Hence we embarked on a quest to expand the window of accessibility for a time of flight mass spectrometer, at the same time remove the ambiguities which are inherent to time of flight mass spectrometry. This culminated in a radically simplified experimental technique with some unique capabilities. The seminar will elaborate on how a kinetic energy correlated time of flight measurement can help in understating the energetics and sequences in the dehydrogenation process of PAHs. The effectiveness of the method in identification of very weak decay channels as well as ability to discern sequential 2H and molecular H2 loss will be highlighted.''

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