
  • Modélisation de la Matière Condensée et des Interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 4ème / 14-010
  • 0472431565
Structuring the three electric field components of light
F. Maucher, Stefan Skupin, S. Gardiner, I. G Hughes
, p1-1 (2019)
Intensity modulated terahertz vortex wave generation in air plasma by two-color femtosecond laser pulses
Maksym Ivanov, Illia Thiele, Luc Bergé, Stefan Skupin, Danas Buožius, Virgilijus Vaičaitis
Optics Letters, vol. 44, p3889 (2019)
Wavelength scaling of terahertz pulse energies delivered by two-color air plasmas
A. Nguyen, K. J Kaltenecker, Jean-Christophe Delagnes, B. Zhou, E. Cormier, N. Fedorov, R. Bouillaud, D. Descamps, I. Thiele, Stefan Skupin, P. U Jepsen, L Bergé
Optics Letters, vol. 44, p1488 (2019)
Terahertz spectroscopy from air plasmas created by two-color femtosecond laser pulses: The ALTESSE project
L. Bergé, K. J Kaltenecker, S. Engelbrecht, A Nguyen, Stefan Skupin, L Merlat, B Fischer, B. Zhou, I. Thiele, P. U Jepsen
EPL - Europhysics Letters, vol. 126, p24001 (2019)
Wavelength scaling of THz emissions by two-color filaments in air
L. Bergé, A. Nguyen, K. J Kaltenecker, J. C Delagnes, B. Zhou, E. Cormier, N. Fedorov, R. Bouillaud, D. Descamps, I. Thiele, Stefan Skupin, P. U Jepsen
, p1-1 (2019)
Creating Complex Optical Longitudinal Polarization Structures
F. Maucher, Stefan Skupin, S. A. Gardiner, I. G. G Hughes
Physical Review Letters, vol. 120, p163903 (2018)
THz Emissions from Air-Plasmas Created by Mid-and Far-Infrared Two-Color Femtosecond Pulses
A. Nguyen, L. Bergé, P. González de Alaiza Martínez, I. Thiele, Stefan Skupin
Terahertz emission from laser-driven gas-plasmas: a plasmonic point of view
I. Thiele, B. Zhou, A. Nguyen, E. Smetanina, R. Nuter, K. J. J Kaltenecker, P. González de Alaiza Martínez, J. Déchard, L. Berge, P. U. U Jepsen, Stefan Skupin
Optica, vol. 5, p1617 (2018)
THz field engineering in two-color femtosecond filaments using chirped and delayed laser pulses
A Nguyen, P González de Alaiza Martínez, I Thiele, Stefan Skupin, L Bergé
New Journal of Physics, vol. 20, p033026 (2018)
Broadband terahertz radiation from two-color mid- and far-infrared laser filaments in air
Alisée Nguyen, Pedro González de Alaiza Martínez, Illia Thiele, Stefan Skupin, Luc Bergé
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], vol. 97 (2018)
Maxwell-consistent, symmetry-and energy-preserving solutions for ultrashort laser pulse propagation beyond the paraxial approximation
P. González de Alaiza Martínez, G. Duchateau, B. Chimier, R. Nuter, I. Thiele, Stefan Skupin, V. T. Tikhonchuk
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], vol. 98, p043849 (2018)
Resonant Effects in Terahertz Generation with Laser-Induced Gas Plasmas
I. Thiele, B. Zhou, A. Nguyen, E. Smetanina, R. Nuter, P. González de Alaiza Martínez, K J Kaltenecker, J. Déchard, L. Berge, P U Jepsen, Stefan Skupin
, vol. 195, p03011 (2018)
Towards compact efficient fs-laser-induced THz sources from microplasmas
Illia Thiele, R. Nuter, P González de Alaiza Martínez, Stefan Skupin
, vol. 98, p235002 - 605 (2017)
Pattern formation in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with competing nonlocal nonlinearities
F Maucher, T Pohl, W Krolikowski, Stefan Skupin
Optical Data Processing and Storage, vol. 3, p13 - 19 (2017)
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