
LYSENKO Volodymyr
  • Formation, élaboration de nanomatériaux et cristaux
  • RAULIN / RdC / 10-018
Trypsinization-dependent cell labeling with fluorescent nanoparticles
T. Serdiuk, S. Alekseev, Vladimir Lysenko, V. Skryshevsky, Alain Géloën
Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 9, p568 (2014)
Damage creation in porous silicon irradiated by swift heavy ions
Bruno Canut, M. Massoud, Pascal Newby, Vladimir Lysenko, Luc Frechette, Jean-Marie Bluet, Monnet I.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 327, p99-102 (2014)
Thermal conductivity of meso-porous germanium
Mykola Isaiev, Sergii Tutashkonko, Valentin Jean, Konstantinos Termentzidis, Tetyana Nychyporuk, Dmitriy Andrusenko, O. Marty, R. Burbelo, David Lacroix, Vladimir Lysenko
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, p105 / 5p. (2014)
Fluorescent (Au@SiO2)SiC Nanohybrids: Influence of Gold Nanoparticle Diameter and SiC Nanoparticle Surface Density
Ning Sui, Virginie Monnier, Yuriy Zakharko, Yann Chevolot, Sergei Alekseev, Jean-Marie Bluet, Vladimir Lysenko, Eliane Souteyrand
Plasmonics, vol. 8, p85 - 92 (2013)
Amorphization and reduction of thermal conductivity in porous silicon by irradiation with swift heavy ions
Pascal J Newby, Bruno Canut, Jean-Marie Bluet, Séverine Gomés, Mykola Isaiev, Roman Burbelo, Konstantinos Termentzidis, Patrice Chantrenne, Luc Frechette, Vladimir Lysenko
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, p014903 (2013)
Characterization of the thermal conductivity of insulating thin films by Scanning Thermal Microscopy
Séverine Gomés, P. Newby, Bruno Canut, K. Termentzidis, O. Marty, Luc Frechette, Patrice Chantrenne, Vincent Aimez, Jean-Marie Bluet, Vladimir Lysenko
Microelectronics Journal, vol. 44, p1029-1034 (2013)
Evaluation of Mesoporous Silicon Thermal Conductivity by Electrothermal Finite Element Simulation
Laurent Siegert, Marie Capelle, Fabrice Roqueta, Vladimir Lysenko, Gaël Gautier
Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 7, p427 (2012)
Vapor phase mediated cellular uptake of sub 5 nm nanoparticles
Tetiana Serdiuk, Vladimir Lysenko, Valery Skryshevsky, Alain Géloën
Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 7, p212 (2012)
Drying induced self-formation of semi-ordered nano-porous silicon microhairs
Valery Skryshevsky, Ganna Vorobey, Cecile Jamois, Jacobo Munguia, Vladimir Lysenko
physica status solidi (c), vol. 8, p1805 (2011)
Preferential Killing of Cancer Cells Using Silicon Carbide Quantum Dots
Barbara Mognetti, Alessandro Barberis, Silvia Marino, Francesco Di Carlo, Vladimir Lysenko, Olivier Marty, Alain Géloën
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 10, p7971 - 7975 (2010)
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