
NANDI Saikat
  • Structure et dynamique multi-échelles des édifices moléculaires
  • KASTLER / 1er / 11-016
  • 0472432652
Generation of entanglement using a short-wavelength seeded free-electron laser
Saikat Nandi, Axel Stenquist, Asimina Papoulia, Edvin Olofsson, Laura Badano, Mattias Bertolino, David Busto, Carlo Callegari, Stefanos Carlström, Miltcho B Danailov, Philipp V Demekhin, Michele Di Fraia, Per Eng-Johnsson, Raimund Feifel, Guillaume Gallician, Luca Giannessi, Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Michele Manfredda, Michael Meyer, Catalin Miron, Jasper Peschel, Oksana Plekan, Kevin C Prince, Richard J Squibb, Marco Zangrando, Felipe Zapata, Shiyang Zhong, Jan Marcus Dahlström
Science Advances, vol. 10, pado0668 (2024)
Probing photoionization dynamics in acetylene with angle resolved attosecond interferometry
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 128, p840-847 (2024)
Dissociation and Isomerization Following Ionization of Ethylene: Insights from Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations
Lina Fransén, Thierry Tran, Saikat Nandi, Morgane Vacher
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 128, p1457-1465 (2024)
Attosecond metrology of the two-dimensional charge distribution in molecules
V. Loriot, A. Boyer, Saikat Nandi, C. González-Collado, E. Plésiat, Alexandre Marciniak, C. Garcia, Y. Hu, M. Lara-Astiaso, Alicia Palacios, Piero Decleva, Fernando Martín, Franck Lépine
Nature Physics (2024)
Attosecond probing of photoionization dynamics from diatomic to many-atom molecules
A. Boyer, Saikat Nandi, V. Loriot
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, vol. 232, p2001-2009 (2023)
Observation of Rabi dynamics with a short-wavelength free-electron laser
Saikat Nandi, Edvin Olofsson, Mattias Bertolino, Stefanos Carlström, Felipe Zapata, David Busto, Carlo Callegari, Michele Di Fraia, Per Eng-Johnsson, Raimund Feifel, Guillaume Gallician, Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Sylvain Maclot, Lana Neoričić, Jasper Peschel, Oksana Plekan, Kevin C. Prince, Richard J. Squibb, Shiyang Zhong, Philipp V. Demekhin, Michael Meyer, Catalin Miron, Laura Badano, Miltcho B. Danailov, Luca Giannessi, Michele Manfredda, Filippo Sottocorona, Marco Zangrando, Jan Marcus Dahlström
Nature, vol. 608, p488-493 (2022)
Few-Femtosecond Isotope Effect in Polyatomic Molecules Ionized by Extreme Ultraviolet Attosecond Pulse Trains
Morgane Vacher, Alexie Boyer, V. Loriot, Franck Lépine, Saikat Nandi
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 126, p5692-5701 (2022)
High harmonic generation-2 ω attosecond stereo-photoionization interferometry in N 2
V. Loriot, Alexandre Marciniak, Saikat Nandi, G. Karras, Marius Hervé, Eric Constant, E. Plésiat, A. Palacios, F. Martin, F. Lépine
Journal of Physics: Photonics, vol. 2, p024003 (2020)
Attosecond timing of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance
Saikat Nandi, E. Plésiat, S. Zhong, A. Palacios, D. Busto, M. Isinger, L. Neoričić, C. L. Arnold, R. J Squibb, Raimund Feifel, P. Decleva, A. L’huillier, F. Martin, Mathieu Gisselbrecht
Science Advances, vol. 6, peaba7762 (2020)
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