
  • Liquides et interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / RdC / 10-007
  • 0787090570
Microscopic view on the polarization-resolved S-SHG intensity of the vapor/liquid interface of pure water
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, p154712 (2024)
Liquid Water: When Hyperpolarizability Fluctuations Boost and Reshape the Second Harmonic Scattering Intensities
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 14, p4158-4163 (2023)
First hyperpolarizability of water in bulk liquid phase: long-range electrostatic effects included via the second hyperpolarizability
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 24, p19463 - 19472 (2022)
Nonlinear Optical Signature of Nanostructural Transition in Ionic Liquids
Antonin Pardon, Oriane Bonhomme, Clotilde Gaillard, P.F. Brevet, Emmanuel Benichou
Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 322, p114976 (2021)
Second Harmonic Scattering of Molecular Aggregates
Guillaume Revillod, Julien Duboisset, I. Russier-Antoine, Emmanuel Benichou, Christian Jonin, P.F. Brevet
Symmetry, vol. 13, p206 (2021)
Multistep Micellization of Standard Surfactants Evidenced by Second Harmonic Scattering
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 125, p10876-10881 (2021)
First hyperpolarizability of water at the air–vapor interface: a QM/MM study questions standard experimental approximations
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 23, p24932-24941 (2021)
Polarization-resolved second harmonic generation from LiNbO3 powders
Oswaldo Sánchez-Dena, Zacharie Behel, Estelle Salmon, Emmanuel Benichou, Jorge-Alejandro Reyes-Esqueda, P.F. Brevet, Christian Jonin
Optical Materials, vol. 107, p110169 (2020)
Longitudinal position dependence of the second-harmonic generation of optically trapped silica microspheres
Lucile Sanchez, Aurélie Bruyère, Oriane Bonhomme, Emmanuel Benichou, P.F. Brevet
Optics Letters, vol. 45, p3196-3199 (2020)
Multi-angle hyper Rayleigh scattering of gold nanoparticles
Anthony Maurice, Zacharie Behel, I. Russier-Antoine, Emmanuel Benichou, Christian Jonin, P.F. Brevet
, vol. 11269, p9 (2020)
Adverse Role of Shape and Size in Second-Harmonic Scattering from Gold Nanoprisms
Krzysztof Nadolski, Emmanuel Benichou, Nina Tarnowicz-Staniak, Andrzej Żak, Christian Jonin, Katarzyna Matczyszyn, P.F. Brevet
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 124, p14797 - 14803 (2020)
Ordering and Nonideality of Air–Ionic Liquid Interfaces in Surface Second Harmonic Generation
Renata Costa, Carlos Pereira, A. Fernando Silva, P.F. Brevet, Emmanuel Benichou
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 124, p3954-3961 (2020)
Quadratic Nonlinear Optics to Assess the Morphology of Riboflavin doped Chitosan for Eco-friendly Lithography
Cédric Ray, Mathieu Caillau, Christian Jonin, Emmanuel Benichou, Christophe Moulin, Estelle Salmon, Melissa E Maldonado, Anderson S L Gomes, Virginie Monnier, Emmanuelle Laurenceau, Jean -Louis Leclercq, Yann Chevolot, Thierry Delair, P.F. Brevet
Optical Materials, vol. 80, p30-36 (2018)
Sub-micron lines patterning into silica using water developable chitosan bioresist films for eco-friendly positive tone e-beam and UV lithography
Mathieu Caillau, Céline Chevalier, Pierre Cremillieu, Thierry Delair, Olivier Soppera, Benjamin Leuschel, Cédric Ray, Christophe Moulin, Christian Jonin, Emmanuel Benichou, P.F. Brevet, Christelle Yeromonahos, Emmanuelle Laurenceau, Yann Chevolot, Jean -Louis Leclercq
, vol. 10587, p105870S (2018)
Nonlinear Refraction and Absorption of Ag 29 Nanoclusters: Evidence for Two-Photon Absorption Saturation
Albert Reyna, I. Russier-Antoine, Franck Bertorelle, Emmanuel Benichou, Philippe Dugourd, Rodolphe Antoine, P.F. Brevet, Cid de Araújo
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 122, p18682-18689 (2018)
Second Harmonic Scattering from Silver Nanocubes
I. Russier-Antoine, H. J. Lee, A. W. Wark, J. Butet, Emmanuel Benichou, Christian Jonin, O. J. F. Martin, P.F. Brevet
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 122, p17447-17455 (2018)
Electroosmosis near surfactant laden liquid–air interfaces
Soft Matter, vol. 14, p2604 - 2609 (2018)
Intermixing of Chirality and Local Structure in the Second Harmonic Generation Response of Dibenzo[ c ]acridine Helicene-Like Molecule Thin Films
Aurélie Bruyère, Laure Guy, Amina Bensalah, Stéphan Guy, P.F. Brevet, Emmanuel Benichou
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 121, p24759 - 24765 (2017)
Molecular organization and phase transition at the air-water interface investigated by second-harmonic generation
Emmanuel Benichou, Aurélie Bruyère, Emilie Forel, Oriane Bonhomme, P.F. Brevet
Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Xvii, vol. 9360, p93600T (2015)
Symmetry breaking and birth of chirality in molecular film at the air/water interface: an approach with nonlinear optics
A. Bruyere, Emmanuel Benichou, L. Guy, Amina Bensalah, S. Guy, P.F. Brevet
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