
BREDY Richard
  • Structure et dynamique multi-échelles des édifices moléculaires
  • KASTLER / 1er / 11-009
  • 0472448368
Fragmentation dynamics of meso-tetraphenyl iron (III) porphyrin chloride dication under energy control
B. Li, Abdul-Rahman Allouche, Jérôme Bernard, Richard Brédy, D. B. Qian, Y. Zhou, Serge Martin, Lin Chen
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 146 (2017)
Dissociation rate, fluorescence and Infrared radiative cooling rates of Naphthalene studied in electrostatic storage Miniring
C. Ortega, N. Kono, M. Ji, Richard Brédy, Jérôme Bernard, Christine Joblin, Amine Cassimi, Y. Ngono, Li Chen, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 635, p032051 (2015)
Fast radiative cooling of anthracene: Dependence on internal energy
Serge Martin, M. Ji, Jérôme Bernard, Richard Brédy, Bruno Concina, Abdul-Rahman Allouche, Christine Joblin, C. Ortega, G. Montagne, Amine Cassimi, Y. Ngono, Lin Chen
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], vol. 92 (2015)
Fragmentation of doubly charged HDO, H2O, and D2O molecules induced by proton and monocharged fluorine beam impact at 3 keV
Serge Martin, Lin Chen, Richard Brédy, Jérôme Bernard, Amine Cassimi
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 142, p095306 (2015)
PAH radiative cooling and fragmentation kinematics studied within an electrostatic ring
Richard Brédy, C. Ortega, J. Ji, C. Chen, Jérôme Bernard, Abdul-Rahman Allouche, Christine Joblin, Amine Cassimi, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 583 (2015)
Dissociation of doubly charged Coronene as a function of internal energy
Richard Brédy, C. Ortega, Min Ji, C.H. Wiebusch, Jérôme Bernard, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 635, p032052 (2015)
The cooling of naphthalene cations studied within an electrostatic storage ring
C. Ortega, Richard Brédy, C. Chen, Jérôme Bernard, M Ji, G. Montagne, Abdul-Rahman Allouche, Amine Cassimi, Christine Joblin, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 583 (2015)
Singlet and triplet states dissociation of doubly charged HDO, H2O
Serge Martin, Li Chen, Richard Brédy, Jérôme Bernard, Amine Cassimi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 635, p032080 (2015)
Electron capture and deprotonation processes observed in collisions between Xe$^{8+}$ and multiply protonated cytochrome-C
Serge Martin, C. Ortega, C.H. Wiebusch, Richard Brédy, Arnaud Vernier, Philippe Dugourd, Rodolphe Antoine, Jérôme Bernard, G. Reitsma, O. Gonzalez-Magana, R. Hoekstra, T. Schlatholter
Physical Review A, vol. 89, p012707 (2014)
New process observed in collisions between highly charged protonated protein and Xe8+, Xe5+, He2+ ions
Serge Martin, C.H. Wiebusch, Richard Brédy, Arnaud Vernier, Philippe Dugourd, Rodolphe Antoine, C. Ortega, Min Ji, Jérôme Bernard, O. G. Maganad, G. Reitsma, T. Schlatholter
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 488, p102004 (2014)
Time Evolution of the internal energy distribution of molecules studied in an electrostatic storage ring, the Mini-Ring
Li Chen, C. Ortega, Min Ji, Richard Brédy, Jérôme Bernard, Bruno Concina, Guillaume Montagne, Christine Joblin, Amine Cassimi, Y. Ngono, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 488, p102011 (2014)
Time evolution of internal energy distribution of Anthracene studied in an electrostatic storage ring, the Mini-Ring
Li Chen, Min Ji, Jérôme Bernard, Richard Brédy, Bruno Concina, Christine Joblin, C. Ortega, Guillaume Montagne, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 488, p012039 (2014)
Excitation energy distributions and statistical dissociation of C-70(2+) prepared in collisions with F+ ions at 3 keV
Richard Brédy, C. Ortega, Min Ji, Li Chen, Jérôme Bernard, Guillaume Montagne, D. Qian, B. Li, Y. Zhou, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 488, p102012 (2014)
Multistage transformation and charge effect during the fragmentation phase transition in atomic clusters
D. Qian, Y. Zhou, Tiffany Z. Summerscales, B. Li, X. Zhu, J. Thomas-Wilsker, Serge Martin, Richard Brédy, Jérôme Bernard, C.H. Wiebusch
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], vol. 87, p063201 (2013)
Fast Radiative Cooling of Anthracene Observed in a Compact Electrostatic Storage Ring
Serge Martin, Jérôme Bernard, Richard Brédy, Bruno Concina, Christine Joblin, M. Ji, C. Ortega, C.H. Wiebusch
Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, p063003 (2013)
Fragmentation of anthracene induced by collisions with 40 keV Ar 8+ ions
Richard Brédy, C. Ortéga, M. Ji, Jérôme Bernard, C.H. Wiebusch, Guillaume Montagne, Serge Martin
Physica Scripta, vol. T156, p014042 (2013)
Time evolution of the internal energy distribution of singly charged anthracene in a storage ring
M Ji, Richard Brédy, Lin Chen, Jérôme Bernard, Bruno Concina, Guillaume Montagne, Amine Cassimi, Serge Martin
Physica Scripta, vol. T156, p014091 (2013)
Ion beam characterization in the Mini-Ring and kinetic energy release measurement of unimolecular decay of anthracene cations
M Ji, Guillaume Montagne, Richard Brédy, Jérôme Bernard, Lin Chen, Serge Martin
Physica Scripta, vol. T156, p014092 (2013)
Energy-dependent relative charge transfer cross sections of Cs+ + Rb(5s, 5p)
H. Nguyen, Richard Brédy, X. Fléchard, B.D. Depaola
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, vol. 46, p115205 (2013)
Activation energies for fragmentation channels of anthracene dications—experiment and theory
G Reitsma, H Zettergren, Serge Martin, Richard Brédy, L Chen, J Bernard, R Hoekstra, T Schlathölter
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 45, p215201 (2012)
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