
  • Luminescence
  • KASTLER / 4ème / 14-018
  • 0472448337
The role of laboratory experiments in the characterisation of silicon-based cosmic material
L. Colangeli, Thomas Henning, J.R. Brucato, D. Clément, D. Fabian, O. Guillois, F. Huisken, C. Jäger, E.K. Jessberger, A. Jones, Gilles Ledoux, G. Manicó, V. Mennella, F.J. Molster, H. Mutschke, V. Pirronello, C. Reynaud, J. Roser, G. Vidali, L.B.F.M. Waters
Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, vol. 11, p97-152 (2003)
Nano-structuration with visible-light-emitting silicon nanocrystals
F. Huisken, D. Amans, Gilles Ledoux, H. Hofmeister, F. Cichos, J. Martin
New Journal of Physics, vol. 5, p10.1-10.10 (2003)
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by CO2-laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition
R. Alexandrescu, A Crunteanu, R Morjan, I. Morjan, R Rohmund, F. Falk, Gilles Ledoux, F. Huisken
Infrared Physics and Technology, vol. 44, p43-50 (2003)
Charge transfer fluorescence and f–f luminescence in ytterbium compounds
I.A. Kamenskikh, N. Guerassimova, C. Dujardin, N. Garnier, Gilles Ledoux, C. Pedrini, M. Kirm, A. Petrosyan, D. Spassky
Optical Materials, vol. 24, p267-274 (2003)
Optical properties of a microcavity containing silicon nanocrystals
D. Amans, Ségolène Callard, A. Gagnaire, J. Joseph, Gilles Ledoux, F. Huisken
Materials Science and Engineering: B, vol. 101, p305-308 (2003)
Ellipsometric study of silicon nanocrystal optical constants
D. Amans, Ségolène Callard, A. Gagnaire, J. Joseph, Gilles Ledoux, F. Huisken
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, p4173-4179 (2003)
Carbon nanotube films grown by laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition
F. Rohmund, R.-E. Morjan, Gilles Ledoux, F. Huisken, R. Alexandrescu
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, vol. 20, p802 (2002)
Nanostructured films composed of silicon nanocrystals
Gilles Ledoux, D. Amans, G Gong, F. Huisken, F Cichos, J Martin
Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 19, p215-218 (2002)
Influence of light intensity on the photoluminescence of silicon nanostructures
D. Amans, O. Guillois, Gilles Ledoux, D. Porterat, C. Reynaud
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 91, p5334-5340 (2002)
Light-emitting silicon nanocrystals from laser pyrolysis
F. Huisken, Gilles Ledoux, O. Guillois, C. Reynaud
Advanced Materials, vol. 14, p1861-1865 (2002)
Photoluminescence of size-separated silicon nanocrystals : Confirmation of quantum confinement
Gilles Ledoux, J. Gong, F. Huisken, O. Guillois, C. Reynaud
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 80, p4834-4836 (2002)
Effect of passivation and aging on the photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals
Gilles Ledoux, Jiong Gong, Friedrich Huisken
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 79, p4028-4030 (2001)
Crystalleine silicon nanoparticles as carriers for the Extended Red Emission
Gilles Ledoux, O. Guillois, F. Huisken, B. Kohn, D. Porterat, C. Reynaud
Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, vol. 377, p707-720 (2001)
Photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystallites: an astrophysical application
Gilles Ledoux, G Guillois, C. Reynaud, F. Huisken, B. Kohn, V Paillard
Materials Science and Engineering: B, vol. 69-70, p350-354 (2000)
Diamond Infrared Emission Bands in Circumstellar Media
O. Guillois, Gilles Ledoux, C. Reynaud
The Astrophysical journal letters, vol. 521, pL133-L136 (1999)
Optical properties of nanocrystalline silicon thin films produced by size-selected cluster beam deposition
M.A Laguna, V Paillard, B. Kohn, M Ehbrecht, F. Huisken, Gilles Ledoux, R Papoular, H. Hofmeister
Journal of Luminescence, vol. 80, p223-228 (1998)
Excitation processes for the emission of the unidentified IR bands
Olivier Guillois, Gilles Ledoux, Irène Nenner, Renaud Papoular, Cécile Reynaud
Faraday Discussions, vol. 109, p335-347 (1998)
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