
  • Modélisation de la Matière Condensée et des Interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 4ème / 14-010
  • 0472431565
Waveshape of THz radiation produced by two-color laser-induced air plasmas
Alexandre Stathopulos, Stefan Skupin, Binbin Zhou, Peter U. Jepsen, Luc Bergé
Physical Review Research, vol. 6, p043274 (2024)
THz to far-infrared spectra of the known crystal polymorphs of Phenylalanine
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 26, p7329-7334 (2024)
Optical Probing of Ultrafast Laser-Induced Solid-to-Overdense-Plasma Transitions
Yasmina Azamoum, Georg Alexander Becker, Sebastian Keppler, Guillaume Duchateau, Stefan Skupin, Mickael Grech, Fabrice Catoire, Sebastian Hell, Issa Tamer, Marco Hornung, Marco Hellwing, Alexander Kessler, Franck Schorcht, Malte Christoph Kaluza
Light: Science and Applications, vol. 13, p109 (2024)
Studying Terahertz Conical Emission by a Two-color Laser-based Air Plasma
A. Stathopulos, M. Rasmussen, O. Nagy, Stefan Skupin, L. Bergé, P. Jepsen, B. Zhou
, pSF3I.6 (2023)
All-round: combining laser cutting and edge shaping of glass
David Sohr, Jens Ulrich Thomas, Stefan Skupin
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, vol. 232, p2253-2264 (2023)
A Raman-delayed nonlinearity for elliptically polarized ultrashort optical pulses
Alexandre Stathopulos, Stefan Skupin, Luc Bergé
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, vol. 232, p2285-2292 (2023)
Air-photonics based terahertz source and detection system
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, vol. 232, p2157-2166 (2023)
Multiscale modeling of HHG and its applications
Jan Vábek, Ondrej Finke, Kevin Veyrinas, C. Valentin, Tadeáš Němec, Dominique Descamps, Michal Nevrkla, Clément Péjot, Nadezda Bobrova, Frédéric Burgy, M. Jurkovič, Martin Albrecht, Alexandr Jancárek, Eric Constant, Ondrej Hort, Eric Mével, Jiří Limpouch, Stefan Skupin, Jaroslav Nejdl, Fabrice Catoire
, vol. PC12582 (2023)
Terahertz pulse generation by multi-color laser fields with linear versus circular polarization: erratum
Alexandre Stathopulos, Stefan Skupin, Luc Bergé
Optics Letters, vol. 48, p6524 (2023)
Frequency-resolved characterization of broadband two-color air-plasma terahertz beam profiles
Mattias Rasmussen, Oliver Nagy, Stefan Skupin, Alexandre Stathopulos, Luc Bergé, Peter Uhd Jepsen, Binbin Zhou
Optics Express, vol. 31, p9287 (2023)
Remote terahertz spectroscopy from extended two-color plasma filaments: The ALTESSE 2 project
A. Talbi, B. Zhou, P. Jepsen, Stefan Skupin, A. Courjaud, Luc Bergé
EPL - Europhysics Letters, vol. 143, p10001 (2023)
Effect Of A Deformable Mirror On THz Wave Production By Laser-Created Air Plasmas
Alexandre Stathopulos, Stefan Skupin, Luc Bergé
Air-photonics terahertz platform with versatile micro-controller based interface and data acquisition
E. Prost, V. Loriot, Eric Constant, I. Compagnon, L. Bergé, F. Lépine, Stefan Skupin
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 93, p033004 (2022)
Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in pre-ionized noble gases
O Finke, J Vábek, M Nevrkla, N Bobrova, O Hort, M Jurkovič, M Albrecht, A Jančárek, F Catoire, Stefan Skupin, J Nejdl
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p7715 (2022)
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