Séminaire Institut

Vendredi 13 Janvier 2017 à 11h00.

Recent Advances on the Glass Problem

Patrick Charbonneau
(Duke University, webpage : https://chem.duke.edu/labs/charbonneau)

amphi Paul Dirac, bât IPN

Invité(e) par
Loïc Vanel

présentera en 1 heure :

''The anomalous thermal and transport properties of amorphous solids have long puzzled solid-state physicists. Recent theoretical advances in the mean-field theory of glasses predict the existence deep in the glass phase of a novel phase transition, a so-called Gardner transition. This transition signals the emergence of a complex free energy landscape composed of a marginally stable hierarchy of sub-basins. This Gardner transition may be the origin of the anomalous behavior of amorphous systems, and to ultimately lead to the unusual critical behavior at jamming. In this talk, I will present an overview of our recent theoretical and numerical advances in capturing and characterizing this novel materials feature.''

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