Grand Séminaire d'Institut
Tuesday 2 October 2018 à 11h00.
Study of the coarsenning of two fluids mixtures: effects of the viscosity contrast on the patterns
Hervé Henry
(Laboratoire PMC, école polytechnique)
salle de séminaires, bâtiment LIPPMAN
Invité(e) par
Olivier Pierre Louis
Axe : Théorie et modélisation
présentera en 1 heure :
''At high temperature binary mixtures are stable. However when temperature is lowered, due to the relative decrease of entropic effects, the mixture is no longer stable with respect to the phase separation. It can occur either through a nucleation and growth process or through a spinodal decomposition process. In the later case, the pattern that is formed is often bicontinuous with a characteristic length. After this initial stage, the pattern evolves so that the area of interface between the phases decreases. The properties of the pattern and the speed at which its characteristic size increases depend on the mechanism of mass transport (which can be for instance diffusion of flow). Here I will discuss the effects of the mechanical properties (their viscosities) of the phases on the characteristics of the pattern and on the self similar nature of its evolution"''