Is the linear relationship between the slope and intercept observed in field emission S-K plots an artifact? pdf A. Ayari, P. Vincent, S. Perisanu, P. Poncharal, and S. T. Purcell J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 42, 053201 (2024); |
Observations of the synthesis of straight single wall carbon nanotubes directed by electric fields in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope. pdf P. Vincent, F. Panciera, I. Florea, N. Blanchard, C.S. Cojocaru, M. Ezzedine, H. Taoum, S. Perisanu, P. de Laharpe, A. Ayari, J. Chaste, K. Saidov, U. Mirsaidov, S.T. Purcell, P. Legagneux Carbon. 213, 118272 (2023); Click and enlarge to visualize films : |
Electromechanical resonances and field emission induced self-oscillations of single crystal diamond needles. pdf V. Kleshch, R. Ismagilov, V. Mukhin, A. Orekhov, P. Poncharal, S.T. Purcell, A. Obraztsov Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 144101 (2023); |
All field emission experiments are noisy, … are any meaningful? pdf A. Ayari, P. Vincent, S. Perisanu, P. Poncharal, and S. T. Purcell J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 41, 024001 (2023); |
Negative differential resistance in photoassisted field emission from Si nanowires. pdf M. Choueib, A. Derouet, P. Vincent, A. Ayari, S. Perisanu, P. Poncharal, C. S. Cojocaru, R. Martel and S. T. Purcell J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 40, 022802 (2022); |
Optical net gain measurement on Al0.07Ga0.93N/GaN multi-quantum wells. pdf Q.M. Thai, S. Cuesta, L. Denaix, S. Hermelin, O. Boisron, E. Bellet-Amalric, C. Bougerol, F. Castioni, S.T. Purcell, Le Si Dang, E. Monroy Optics Express 30, 25219 (2022); |
All field emission models are wrong, … but are any of them useful? pdf A. Ayari, P. Vincent, S. Perisanu, P. Poncharal, and S. T. Purcell J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 40, 024001 (2022); |
Optically active cross-band transition in double-walled carbon nanotube and its impact on Raman pdf M. Paillet, V.N. Popov, H.-N. Tran, J.-C. Blancon, D. Levshov, R. Arenal, R. Parret, A. Ayari, A. San-Miguel, F. vallée, N. Del Fatti, A.A. Zahab, J.-L. Sauvajol Carbon 196, 950 (2022); carbon.2022.05.044 |
Chapter : "Electromechanical Self oscillations of carbon field Emitters" A. Ayari, P. Vincent, S. Perisanu, P. Poncharal, S.T. Purcell Book :"Nanostructured Carbon Electron Emitters and their Applications" edited by Y. Saito, ISBN 9789814877626 (2022) |
Chapter : "Field Emission from the edges of single-layer graphene" S.T. Purcell, P. Vincent, S. Perisanu, A. Ayari, P. Poncharal Book :"Nanostructured Carbon Electron Emitters and their Applications" edited by Y. Saito, ISBN 9789814877626 (2022) |
AlGaN/GaN asymmetric graded-index separate confinement heterostructures designed for electron-beam pumped UV lasers. pdf S. Cuesta, Y. Curé, F. Donatini, L. Denaix, E. Bellet-Amalric, C. Bougerol, V. Grenier, Q.M. Thai, G. Nogues, S.T. Purcell, L.S. Dang, E. Monroy Optics Express 29, 13084 (2021); |
Narrow energy distributions of electrons emitted from clean graphene edges pdf R. Diehl, M. Choueib, S. Choubak, R. Martel, S. Perisanu, A. Ayari, P. Vincent, S. T. Purcell, and P. Poncharal Phys. Rev. B 102, 035416 (2020) |
Giant, Voltage Tuned, Quality Factors of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene at Room Temperature pdf A. Descombin, P. Poncharal, A. Pascale-Hamri, M. Choueib, R. Diehl, P. Vincent, S.T. Purcell, A. Ayari, S. Perisanu Nanoletters 19, 1534 (2019) |
Nonlinear polarization coupling in freestanding nanowire/nanotube resonators pdf Pascal Vincent, Alexis Descombin, Samer Dagher, Tarek Seoudi, Arnaud Lazarus, Olivier Thomas, Anthony Ayari, Stephen Purcell, Sorin Perisanu Journal of Applied Physics 125, 044302 (2019) |
Fabrication and characterization of a focused ion beam milled lanthanum hexaboride based cold field electron emitter source pdf Gopal Singh, Robert Bücker, Günther Kassier, Miriam Barthelmess, Fengshan Zheng, Vadim Migunov, Maximilian Kruth, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Stephen T. Purcell, and R. J. Dwayne Miller Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 093101 (2018) |
Sensing and cooling of a nanomechanical resonator with an electron beam stimulated internal feedback and a capacitive force pdf T. Barois, S. Perisanu, P. Poncharal, P. Vincent, S. T. Purcell, A. Ayari Journal of Applied Physics 124, 064304 (2018) Editor's Pick |
Quantum interference effects on the intensity of the G modes in double-walled carbon nanotubes pdf H. N. Tran, J. C. Blancon, R. Arenal, R. Parret, A. A. Zahab, A. Ayari, F. Vallee, N. Del Fatti, J.-L. Sauvajol, M. Paillet Physical Review B 95 205411 (2017) |
A universal and ultrasensitive vectorial nanomechanical sensor for imaging 2D force fields pdf L. Mercier de Lépinay, B. Pigeau, B. Besga, P. Vincent, P. Poncharal, O. Arcizet Nature Nanotechnology 12 156–162 (2017) |
Biaxial Strain Transfer in Supported Graphene pdf Bousige C; Balima F; Machon D; Pinheiro GS; Torres-Dias A; Nicolle J; Kalita D; Bendiab N; Marty L; Bouchiat V; Montagnac G; Souza AG; Poncharal P; San-Miguel A. Nano letters, 17 21-27 (2017) https:// |
Excitonic optical transitions characterized by Raman excitation profiles in single-walled carbon nanotubes pdf H. N. Tran, J. C. Blancon, J. R. Huntzinger, R. Arenal, V. N. Popov, A. A. Zahab, A. Ayari, A. San-Miguel, F. Vallee, N. Del Fatti, J.-L. Sauvajol, M. Paillet Physical Review B 94 075430 (2016) |
Single Crystal Diamond Needle as Point Electron Source pdf |
Edge field emission of large−area single layer graphene pdf V.I. Kleshch, D.A. Bandurin, A.S. Orekhov, S.T. Purcell, A.N. Obraztsov Applied Surface Science 357, 1967 (2015) |
Electron beam assisted field evaporation of insulating nanowires/tubes pdf N. P. Blanchard, A. Nigues, M. Choueib, S. Perisanu, A. Ayari, P. Poncharal, S. T. Purcell, A. Siria A., P. Vincent Applied Physics Letters 106 193102 (2015) |
Adhesion energy of single wall carbon nanotube loops on various substrates pdf T. Li, A. Ayari, L. Bellon Journal Of Applied Physics 117 164309 (2015) |
Ultrashort Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Reveal Field-Emission Coulomb Blockade and Highest Electron-Source Brightness pdf Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 126805 (2014) Editors' Suggestion |
Ultrahigh interlayer friction in multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes. pdf A Nigues, A Siria, P Vincent, P Poncharal, L Bocquet Nature materials 13, 688-693 (2014) |
Giant osmotic energy conversion measured in a single transmembrane boron nitride nanotube. pdf A. Siria, P. Poncharal, A.-L. Biance, R. Fulcrand, X. Blase, S.T. Purcell, L. Bocquet Nature 494, 156 (2013) |
Direct measurement of the absolute absorption spectrum of individual semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. pdf Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Paillet, Matthieu; Tran, Huy Nam; Than, Xuan Tinh; Guebrou, Samuel Aberra; Ayari, Anthony; Miguel, Alfonso San; Phan, Ngoc-Minh; Zahab, Ahmed-Azmi; Sauvajol, Jean-Louis; Fatti, Natalia Del; Vallee, Fabrice Nature communications 4, 2542 (2013) |
Current Saturation in Field Emission from H-Passivated Si Nanowires pdf May Choueib, Richard Martel, Costel Sorin Cojocaru, Anthony Ayari, Pascal Vincent, and Stephen T. Purcell ACS nano 2012 6 (8), 7463-7471 |
Electron Fluctuation Induced Resonance Broadening in Nano Electromechanical Systems: The Origin of Shear Force in Vacuum pdf A. Siria, T. Barois, K. Vilella, S. Perisanu, A. Ayari, D. Guillot, S.T. Purcell, and P. Poncharal Nano Letters 2012 12 (7), 3551-3556 |
Carbon nanotubes nanoradios : the field emission and transistor configurations pdf P. Vincent, A. Ayari, P. Poncharal, T. Barois, S. Perisanu, V. Gouttenoire, S.T. Purcell Comptes Rendus Physique, 13, 395 (2012) |
Ohmic electromechanical dissipation in nanomechanical cantilevers pdf T. Barois, A. Ayari, A. Siria, S. Perisanu, P. Vincent, P. Poncharal, S.T. Purcell, Phys. Rev. B, 85, 075407 (2012) |
Physical properties of individual anatase TiO2 nanowires investigated by field emission in a transmission electron microscope pdf J. shen, P. Vincent, N. Blanchard, Jimmy Nicolle, M. Choueib, S.T. Purcell, P. Poncharal, V. Salles, A. Brioude J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 30, 011801 (2012) |
A flux monitoring method for easy and accurate flow rate measurement in pressure-driven flows pdf A. Siria, A.L. Biance, C. Ybert, L. Bocquet, Lab on a Chip, 12, 872 (2012). |
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