
JOLY Laurent
  • Modélisation de la Matière Condensée et des Interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 4ème / 14-007
  • 0472432611
Liquid-Solid Slip on Charged Walls: The Dramatic Impact of Charge Distribution
Yanbo Xie, Li Fu, Thomas Niehaus, Laurent Joly
Physical Review Letters, vol. 125, p014501 (2020)
Fast increase of nanofluidic slip in supercooled water: the key role of dynamics
Cecilia Herrero, Gabriele Tocci, Samy Merabia, Laurent Joly
Nanoscale, vol. 12, p20396-20403 (2020)
Molecular modeling of aqueous electrolytes at interfaces: Effects of long-range dispersion forces and of ionic charge rescaling
Guillaume Le Breton, Laurent Joly
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 152, p241102 (2020)
Ab initio nanofluidics: disentangling the role of the energy landscape and of density correlations on liquid/solid friction
Gabriele Tocci, Maria Bilichenko, Laurent Joly, Marcella Iannuzzi
Nanoscale, vol. 12, p10994-11000 (2020)
Full characterization of the hydrodynamic boundary condition at the atomic scale using an oscillating channel: Identification of the viscoelastic interfacial friction and the hydrodynamic boundary position
Takeshi Omori, Naoki Inoue, Laurent Joly, Samy Merabia, Yasutaka Yamaguchi
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 4, p114201 (2019)
Shear force measurement of the hydrodynamic wall position in molecular dynamics
Cecilia Herrero, Takeshi Omori, Yasutaka Yamaguchi, Laurent Joly
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 151, p041103 (2019)
Large effect of lateral box size in molecular dynamics simulations of liquid-solid friction
Koshun Ogawa, Haruki Oga, Hiroki Kusudo, Yasutaka Yamaguchi, Takeshi Omori, Samy Merabia, Laurent Joly
Physical Review E, vol. 100, p054502 (2019)
Green-Kubo measurement of liquid-solid friction in finite-size systems
Haruki Oga, Yasutaka Yamaguchi, Takeshi Omori, Samy Merabia, Laurent Joly
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 151, p054502 (2019)
Tribological Performance of the R1233zd Refrigerant in Extreme Confinement at the Nanoasperity Level: A Molecular Dynamics Study Using an ab Initio-Based Force Field
Stéphane Tromp, Laurent Joly, Manuel Cobian, Nicolas Fillot
Tribology Letters, vol. 67, p67 (2019)
Giant Thermoelectric Response of Nanofluidic Systems Driven by Water Excess Enthalpy
Li Fu, Laurent Joly, Samy Merabia
Physical Review Letters, vol. 123, p138001 (2019)
Molecular dynamics study of nanoconfined TIP4P/2005 water: how confinement and temperature affect diffusion and viscosity
A. Zaragoza, M. González, Laurent Joly, I. López-Montero, M. Canales, A. Benavides, C. Valeriani
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 21, p13653-13667 (2019)
Chemical Physics at Interfaces within a Refrigerant-Lubricated Contact: From Electronic Structure to Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Stéphane Tromp, Laurent Joly, Manuel Cobian, Nicolas Fillot
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 122, p5420 - 5429 (2018)
Viscosity and self-diffusion of supercooled and stretched water from molecular dynamics simulations
P. M. de Hijes, Esther Sanz Sanz, Laurent Joly, C. Valeriani, Frédéric Caupin
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 149, p094503 (2018)
Orders of Magnitude Changes in the Friction of an Ionic Liquid on Carbonaceous Surfaces
Nicolas Voeltzel, Nicolas Fillot, Philippe Vergne, Laurent Joly
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 122, p2145 - 2154 (2018)
Measuring surface charge: Why experimental characterization and molecular modeling should be coupled
Remco Hartkamp, Anne-Laure Biance, Li Fu, Jean-François Dufrêche, Oriane Bonhomme, Laurent Joly
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, vol. 37, p101 - 114 (2018)
Understanding Fast and Robust Thermo-osmotic Flows through Carbon Nanotube Membranes: Thermodynamics Meets Hydrodynamics
L. Fu, S. Merabia, Laurent Joly
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 9, p2086-2092 (2018)
Electro-osmosis at surfactant-laden liquid-gas interfaces: beyond standard models
Alexia Barbosa de Lima, Laurent Joly
Soft Matter, vol. 13, p3341-3351 (2017)
Electrokinetic transport in liquid foams
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 247, p477 - 490 (2017)
Molecular dynamics analysis of the friction between a water-methanol liquid mixture and a non-polar solid crystal surface
S. Nakaoka, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Omori, Laurent Joly
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 146, p174702 (2017)
Decoupling of viscosity and relaxation processes in supercooled water: a molecular dynamics study with the TIP4P/2005f model
Emmanuel Guillaud, Samy Merabia, Ligny Dominique De, Laurent Joly
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 19, p2124-2130 (2017)
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