
  • Liquides et interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 2ème / 12-004
  • 0472432987
Anisotropy effect of bioinspired ceramic/ceramic composites: Can the platelet orientation enhance the mechanical properties at micro- and submicrometric length scale?
N. Abando, H. Saad, M.A. Monclús, Sylvain Deville, J. Molina-Aldareguia, J.J. Roa
Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2020)
Nacre-like alumina composites based on heteroaggregation
Mariana Muňoz, Manuella Cerbelaud, Arnaud Videcoq, Hassan Saad, Alexandre Boulle, Sylvain Meille, Sylvain Deville, Fabrice Rossignol
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 40, p5773-5778 (2020)
A simple approach to bulk bioinspired tough ceramics
Hassan Saad, Kaoutar Radi, Thierry Douillard, David Jauffrès, Christophe L. Martin, Sylvain Meille, Sylvain Deville
Materialia, vol. 12, p100807 (2020)
Advances in Ice-Templated and Freeze-Casted Ceramics
American Ceramics, vol. 2, p551-553 (2019)
Boundary-induced inhomogeneity of particle layers in the solidification of suspensions
Brice Saint-Michel, Marc Georgelin, Sylvain Deville, Alain Pocheau
Physical Review E, vol. 99 (2019)
Elasticity and fracture of brick and mortar materials using discrete element simulations
Kaoutar Radi, David Jauffrès, Sylvain Deville, Christophe L. Martin
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 126, p101-116 (2019)
Wood-like polymeric materials by ice templating
National Science Review, vol. 6, p184-185 (2019)
Synthesis of Functional Ceramic Supports by Ice Templating and Atomic Layer Deposition
Sylvain Deville, Michaela Klotz, Matthieu Weber, Didier Oison, Igor Iatsunskyi, Emerson Coy, Mikhael Bechelany
Frontiers in Materials. Computational Materials Science section, vol. 5, p28 (2018)
A temperature-controlled stage for laser scanning confocal microscopy and case studies in chemistry of materials
Dmytro Dedovets, C. Monteux, Sylvain Deville
Ultramicroscopy, vol. 195, p1-11 (2018)
Wall friction and Janssen effect in the solidification of suspensions
Brice Saint-Michel, Marc Georgelin, Sylvain Deville, Alain Pocheau
Soft Matter, vol. 14, p9498-9510 (2018)
Multiphase imaging of freezing particle suspensions by confocal microscopy
Dmytro Dedovets, Sylvain Deville
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 38, p2687 - 2693 (2018)
The lure of ice templating: recent trends and opportunities for porous materials
Scripta Materialia, vol. 147, p119 - 124 (2018)
Ice-templated poly(vinylidene fluoride) ferroelectrets
Shiqi Zhang, Chris R Bowen, Sylvain Deville
Soft Matter, vol. 15, p825-832 (2018)
Five-dimensional imaging of freezing emulsions with solute effects
Dmytro Dedovets, C. Monteux, Sylvain Deville
Science, vol. 360, p303 - 306 (2018)
Polyproline as a Minimal Antifreeze Protein Mimic That Enhances the Cryopreservation of Cell Monolayers
Ben Graham, Trisha L. Bailey, Joseph R. J. Healey, Moreno Marcellini, Sylvain Deville, Matthew I. Gibson
Angewandte Chemie, vol. 129, p16157 - 16160 (2017)
Water/ice phase transition: The role of zirconium acetate, a compound with ice-shaping properties
Moreno Marcellini, Francisco M. Fernandes, Dmytro Dedovets, Sylvain Deville
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 146, p144504 (2017)
Interaction of Multiple Particles with a Solidification Front: From Compacted Particle Layer to Particle Trapping
Brice Saint-Michel, Marc Georgelin, Sylvain Deville, Alain Pocheau
Langmuir, vol. 33, p5617 - 5627 (2017)
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