
NICOLAS Alexandre
  • Modélisation de la Matière Condensée et des Interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 4ème / 14-001
  • 0472448237
Dimensionless Numbers Reveal Distinct Regimes in the Structure and Dynamics of Pedestrian Crowds
Jakob Cordes, Andreas Schadschneider, Alexandre Nicolas
PNAS Nexus, vol. 3, ppgae120 (2024)
Viral transmission in pedestrian crowds: Coupling an open-source code assessing the risks of airborne contagion with diverse pedestrian dynamics models
Alexandre Nicolas, Simon Mendez
Collective Dynamics, vol. 9, p159 (2024)
Non-monotonic flow variations in a TASEP-based traffic model featuring cars searching for parking
Valentin Anfray, Alexandre Nicolas
Journal of Physics: Complexity, vol. 5, p035014 (2024)
Continuous agent-based modeling of adult-child pairs based on a pseudo-energy: Relevance for public safety and egress efficiency
Chuan-Zhi Thomas Xie, Tie-Qiao Tang, Alexandre Nicolas
Safety Science, vol. 177, p106576 (2024)
Pedestrians in static crowds are not grains, but game players
Thibault Bonnemain, Butano Matteo, Théophile Bonnet, Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Antoine Seguin, Alexandre Nicolas, Cécile Appert-Rolland, Denis Ullmo
Physical Review E, vol. 107, p024612 (2023)
Parking search in the physical world: Calculating the search time by leveraging physical and graph theoretical methods
Nilankur Dutta, Thibault Charlottin, Alexandre Nicolas
Transportation Science, vol. 57, p685-700 (2023)
Revisiting the theoretical basis of agent-based models for pedestrian dynamics
Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Alexandre Nicolas
Fields Communication Series, Springer-Nature (2023)
From microscopic droplets to macroscopic crowds: Crossing the scales in models of short-range respiratory disease transmission, with application to COVID-19
Simon Mendez, Willy Garcia, Alexandre Nicolas
Advanced Science, vol. 10, p2205255 (2023)
Body and mind: Decoding the dynamics of pedestrians and the effect of smartphone distraction by coupling mechanical and decisional processes
Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Alexandre Nicolas
Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol. 157 (2023)
Adult-child pairs walking down stairs: Empirical analysis and optimal-step-based modeling of a complex pedestrian flow, with an exploration of flow-improvement strategies
Chuan-Zhi Xie, Tie-Qiao Tang, Bo-Tao Zhang, Alexandre Nicolas
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 23, p013404 (2023)
Special issue on the dynamics and behaviours of pedestrian groups
Tie-Qiao Tang, Alexandre Nicolas, Seungjae Lee, Winnie Daamen, Ziqi Song
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, vol. 19, p2099034 (2023)
Spontaneous emergence of counterclockwise vortex motion in assemblies of pedestrians roaming within an enclosure
Iñaki Echeverria, Alexandre Nicolas, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Angel Garcimartin, Iker Zuriguel
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p2647 (2022)
Searching for Parking in a Busy Downtown District An Agent-based Computational and Analytical Model
Nilankur Dutta, Alexandre Nicolas
Model-based assessment of the risks of viral transmission in non-confined crowds
Willy Garcia, Simon Mendez, Baptiste Fray, Alexandre Nicolas
Safety Science, vol. 144, p105453 (2021)
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