
  • Biophysique
  • BRILLOUIN / RdC / 10-011
  • 0472431233
Characterization of the Phononic Landscape of Natural Nacre from Abalone Shells
N. Alderete, S. Sathyan, S. Raetz, J. Margueritat, M. Asgari, N. Boechler, Maroun Abi Ghanem, H. Espinosa
Small (2024)
Progress in laser ultrasonics evaluation of micro- and nanoscale interfacial mechanics
Applied Physics Reviews, vol. 11, p041315 (2024)
Dynamic compression of soft layered materials yields tunable and spatiotemporally evolving surface patterns
Brianna Macnider, Xudong Liang, Samantha Hoang, Maroun Abi Ghanem, Shengqiang Cai, Nicholas Boechler
Physical Review E, vol. 107, p035002 (2023)
Dependence of the kinetic energy absorption capacity of bistable mechanical metamaterials on impactor mass and velocity
R. Fancher, I. Frankel, K.C.H. Chin, Maroun Abi Ghanem, B. Macnider, L.S. Shannahan, J.F. Berry, M. Fermen-Coker, A.J. Boydston, N. Boechler
Extreme Mechanics Letters, vol. 63, p102044 (2023)
Temperature-controlled spatiotemporally modulated phononic crystal for achieving nonreciprocal acoustic wave propagation
Justin Palacios, Lazaro Calderin, Allan Chon, Ian Frankel, Jihad Alqasimi, Florian Allein, Rachel Gorelik, Trevor Lata, Richard Curradi, Gabrielle Lambert-Milak, Anuja Oke, Neale Smith, Maroun Abi Ghanem, Pierre Lucas, Nicholas Boechler, Pierre Deymier
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 151, p3669-3675 (2022)
Growing phenotype-controlled phononic materials from plant cells scaffolds
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Liliane Khoryati, Reza Behrou, Amey Khanolkar, Samuel Raetz, Florian Allein, Nicholas Boechler, Thomas Dehoux
Applied Materials Today, vol. 22, p100934 (2021)
The role of polymer mechanochemistry in responsive materials and additive manufacturing
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Amrita Basu, Reza Behrou, Nicholas Boechler, Andrew Boydston, Stephen Craig, Yangju Lin, Brock Lynde, Alshakim Nelson, Hang Shen, Duane Storti
Nature Reviews Materials, vol. 6, p84-98 (2021)
Plant Cell Walls as a locally resonant acoustic biosurface
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Liliane Khoryati, Reza Behrou, Samuel Raetz, Amey Khanolkar, Nicholas Boechler, Thomas Dehoux
, p1157-1157 (2020)
Nanocontact Tailoring via Microlensing Enables Giant Postfabrication Mesoscopic Tuning in a Self‐Assembled Ultrasonic Metamaterial
Maroun Abi Ghanem, A. Khanolkar, Han Zhao, Nicholas Boechler
Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 30, p1909217 (2020)
Longitudinal eigenvibration of multilayer colloidal crystals and the effect of nanoscale contact bridges
Maroun Abi Ghanem, A. Khanolkar, Samuel Wallen, Mary Helwig, Morgan Hiraiwa, Alexei Maznev, Nicolas Vogel, Nicholas Boechler
Nanoscale, vol. 11, p5655-5665 (2019)
Wrinkles Riding Waves in Soft Layered Materials
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Xudong Liang, Brittany Lydon, Liam Potocsnak, Thorsen Wehr, Mohamed Ghanem, Samantha Hoang, Shengqiang Cai, Nicholas Boechler
Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol. 6, p1801609 (2019)
Opto-acoustic microscopy reveals adhesion mechanics of single cells
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Thomas Dehoux, Liwang Liu, Guillaume Le Saux, Laurent Plawinski, Marie-Christine Durrieu, Bertrand Audoin
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 89, p1-10 (2018)
Complex Contact-Based Dynamics of Microsphere Monolayers Revealed by Resonant Attenuation of Surface Acoustic Waves
M. Hiraiwa, Maroun Abi Ghanem, S. P. Wallen, A. Khanolkar, A. A. Maznev, N. Boechler
Physical Review Letters, vol. 116, p198001 (2016)
Thermal microscopy of single biological cells
R. Legrand, Maroun Abi Ghanem, L. Plawinski, M.-C. Durrieu, B. Audoin, T. Dehoux
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, p263703 (2015)
A self-assembled metamaterial for Lamb waves
A. Khanolkar, S. Wallen, Maroun Abi Ghanem, J. Jenks, N. Vogel, N. Boechler
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, p071903 (2015)
All-optical broadband ultrasonography of single cells.
Thomas Dehoux, Maroun Abi Ghanem, Omar El-Farouk Zouani, Jean-Michel Rampnoux, Yannick Guillet, Stefan A Dilhaire, Marie-Christine Durrieu, Bertrand Audoin
Scientific Reports, vol. 5, p8650 (1-5) (2015)
Probing single-cell mechanics with picosecond ultrasonics
Thomas Dehoux, Maroun Abi Ghanem, Omar Zouani, Mathieu Ducousso, Nikolay Chigarev, Clément Rossignol, Nicolas Tsapis, Marie-Christine Durrieu, Bertrand Audoin
Ultrasonics, vol. 56, p160-171 (2015)
Laser-induced transient grating setup with continuously tunable period
A. Vega-Flick, J. Eliason, A. Maznev, A. Khanolkar, Maroun Abi Ghanem, N. Boechler, J. Alvarado-Gil, K. Nelson
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86, p123101 (2015)
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