
  • Spectrométries des biomolécules et agrégats
  • CLEA / RdC / B0-B10
Plasma excitation temperature obtained with Boltzmann plot method: Significance, precision, trueness and accuracy
Bruno Bousquet, Vincent Gardette, V. Motto-Ros, Rosalba Gaudiuso, Marcella Dell'Aglio, Alessandro de Giacomo
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 204, p106686 (2023)
Artificial neural network for high-throughput spectral data processing in LIBS imaging: application to archaeological mortar
Nicolas Herreyre, A. Cormier, S. Hermelin, Christine Oberlin, Anne Schmitt, Valérie Thirion-Merle, Aldo Borlenghi, D. Prigent, Catherine Coquidé, A. Valois, Christophe Dujardin, Philippe Dugourd, Ludovic Duponchel, C. Comby-Zerbino, V. Motto-Ros
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, p730-741 (2023)
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy imaging for material and biomedical applications: recent advances and future perspectives
Vincent Gardette, V. Motto-Ros, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Lucie Sancey, Ludovic Duponchel, Benoît Busser
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 95, p49-69 (2023)
Statistical comparison of predictive models for quantitative analysis and classification in the framework of LIBS spectroscopy: A tutorial
Ludovic Duponchel, Cécile Fabre, Bruno Bousquet, V. Motto-Ros
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 208, p106776 (2023)
Data fusion of LIBS and PIL hyperspectral imaging: Understanding the luminescence phenomenon of a complex mineral sample
Alessandro Nardecchia, Anna de Juan, V. Motto-Ros, Michael Gaft, Ludovic Duponchel
Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 1192, p339368 (2022)
Trace Element Distribution in Zoned Kyanite of Thassos Island (Greece) Using Combined Spectroscopic Analyses
Kimberly Trebus, Alexandre Tarantola, Cécile Fabre, Marie-Camille Caumon, Jean Cauzid, V. Motto-Ros, Andreï Lecomte, Chantal Peiffert, Panagiotis Voudouris, Constantinos Mavrogonatos
Applied Spectroscopy, p000370282211087 (2022)
Advances on microLIBS and microXRF mineralogical and elemental quantitative imaging
Cécile Fabre, Kimberly Trebus, Alexander Tarantola, Jean Cauzid, V. Motto-Ros, Panagiotis Voudouris
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 194, p106470 (2022)
Archaeological Mortar Characterization Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Imaging Microscopy
Sarah Richiero, Claudio Sandoval, Christine Oberlin, Anne Schmitt, Jean-Claude Lefevre, Amina Bensalah, Daniel Prigent, Catherine Coquidé, Antoine Valois, Federico Giletti, Frédéric Pelascini, Ludovic Duponchel, Philippe Dugourd, C. Comby-Zerbino, V. Motto-Ros
Applied Spectroscopy, p000370282110711 (2022)
Reply to comment on “Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt)”
Masafumi Saitoh, Nicolas Olivier, Marion Garçon, Maud Boyet, Christophe Thomazo, Julien Alleon, Jean-François Moyen, V. Motto-Ros, Johanna Marin Carbonne
Precambrian Research, vol. 373, p106624 (2022)
Aerosol analysis by micro laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: A new protocol for particulate matter characterization in filters
César Marina-Montes, V. Motto-Ros, Luis Vicente Pérez-Arribas, Jesús Anzano, María Millán-Martínez, Jorge Cáceres
Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 1181, p338947 (2021)
Saturated signals in spectroscopic imaging: why and how should we deal with this regularly observed phenomenon?
Alessandro Nardecchia, V. Motto-Ros, Ludovic Duponchel
Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 1157, p338389 (2021)
Short-Pulse Lasers: A Versatile Tool in Creating Novel Nano-/Micro-Structures and Compositional Analysis for Healthcare and Wellbeing Challenges
Ahmed Al-Kattan, David Grojo, Christophe Drouet, Alexandros Mouskeftaras, Philippe Delaporte, Adrien Casanova, Jérôme Robin-Ducellier, Frédérique Magdinier, P. Alloncle, Catalin-Daniel Constantinescu, V. Motto-Ros, Jörg Hermann
Nanomaterials, vol. 11, p712 (2021)
Extending the potential of plasma-induced luminescence spectroscopy
Elise Clavé, Michael Gaft, V. Motto-Ros, Cécile Fabre, Olivier Forni, Olivier Beyssac, Sylvestre Maurice, Roger C. Wiens, Bruno Bousquet
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 177, p106111 (2021)
Direct multi-elemental imaging of freshly impregnated catalyst by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Lina Jolivet, Leonor Catita, Olivier Delpoux, Charles-Philippe Lienemann, Loïc Sorbier, V. Motto-Ros
Journal of Catalysis, vol. 401, p183-187 (2021)
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