Séminaire Optique/Spectro

Wednesday 26 November 2014 à 16h00.

Experimental Issues Facing Gravitational Wave Detectors

Nelson Christensen
(Physics and Astronomy Carleton College Northfield, Minnesota 55057 USA)

Salles de séminaire, bâtiment Lippman

Invité(e) par
Marie-France Joubert

présentera en 1 heure :

''The second generation laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors (Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, KAGRA) are presently coming on-line. Third generation detectors, such at Einstein Telescope, are currently being designed. A number of interesting physical process could ultimately limit the sensitivities of these detectors, but experimental ingenuity can potentially address these physics issues. In this seminar a summary of the current state of gravitational wave searches will be given. Then presented will be a summary of a few of the noise sources, and how gravitational wave searches may work around these physical problems. Specifically addressed will be quantum noise, thermal noise, electric charging of the test masses, gravity gradient noise, and globally coherent magnetic field noise. Some of these noise sources are already being researched at LMA.''

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