Thursday 14 December 2017 à 14h00.
Carbon nanotubes and boron nitride nanotubes under high pressure
Silvio Domingo SILVA SANTOS
Amphitêatre Astrée 13
Invité(e) par
Directeurs de thèse : Denis MACHON et Alfonso San Miguel
présentera en 2 heures :
''This thesis work focuses on the structural stability of well-characterized carbon and boron nitride nanotubes under very high pressures both including their in situ study as well as after the pressure cycle. We try to provide in this way a first approach to determine the role of parameters as composition (C or BN), number of walls or diameter on the stability limit of nanotube structures.
We will describe the structural evolution up to pressures of 80 GPa of three nanotube systems i) low diameter (6,5) chirality enriched single wall nanotubes ii) triple-wall carbon nanotubes and iii) multiwall boron nitride nanotubes. A variety of structural transformations and nanostructure morphologies, some of them having been detected for the first time in this work, will be presented.