Séminaire Institut

Tuesday 3 December 2019 à 11h00.

AGuIX : translation to the clinic of an ultrasmall gadolinium based nanoparticle

François Lux

salle séminaires Lippmann

Invité(e) par
Isabelle Compagnon

présentera en 1 heure :

'' A l'occasion de sa nomination en temps que membre junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France, notre collègue François Lux présentera le projet de recherche qui lui a valu cette prestigieuse distinction
Abstract: Since more than two decades, an increasing interest has been shown to nanoparticles in medicine. However, despite a lot of academic research, only a few hybrid nanodrugs have arrived on the market or even in clinic. It can be explained by different factors: (i) toxicity and biodistribution problems, (ii) difficulties in the scale-up of the synthesis, (iii) lack of efficacy after translation to human. In this talk, the translation of an ultrasmall nanoparticles (AGuIX) from our laboratory to phase II clinical trial will be discussed. AGuIX stands for Activation and Guidance of X-Rays. AGuIX are ultrasmall nanoparticles (hydrodynamic diameter 5 nm) made of polysiloxane and gadolinium chelates. They have shown high radiosensitizing effect (capacity to enhance radiotherapy) and multimodal imaging properties on more than 12 animal models. No toxicity has been observed during regulatory toxicity tests. In 2016, a first phase Ib clinical trial has begun to treat patients suffering from multiple brain metastases by whole brain radiation therapy in association with gadolinium based nanoparticles. Due to very encouraging results, ANSM has authorized in 2019 a multicentric randomized phase 2 clinical trial on the same indication.''

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