
  • Spectroscopies optiques des matériaux verres, amorphes et à nanoparticules
  • LIPPMANN / 2ème / 12-007
  • 0472448268
High-pressure X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy at fourth-generation synchrotron sources
Antoine Cornet, Alberto Ronca, Jie Shen, Federico Zontone, Yuriy Chushkin, Marco Cammarata, Gastón Garbarino, Michael Sprung, Fabian Westermeier, T. Deschamps, Beatrice Ruta
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 31, p527-539 (2024)
Cold-and Hot-Densification of a Depolymerized Glass: A Multiscale Vibrational Investigation of PbSiO3
Rafaella Bartz Pena, T. Deschamps, Sylvie Le Floch, Alice Berthelot, Elodie Romeo, T.R. Cunha, O. Peitl, A.D. Rodrigues, C. Martinet, P.S. Pizani
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 646, p123246 (2024)
Strength of Brillouin spectroscopy to identify spatial densification model in indented silica
Alice Berthelot, Elodie Romeo, Xavier Dagany, T. Deschamps, Eliot Herry, Robin Kineider, Yannis De Leon, Emmeline Brassac, Guillaume Kermouche, Etienne Barthel, Christine Martinet
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 639, p123058 (2024)
Denser glasses relax faster: Enhanced atomic mobility and anomalous particle displacement under in-situ high pressure compression of metallic glasses
Antoine Cornet, Gastón Garbarino, Federico Zontone, Yuriy Chushkin, Jeroen Jacobs, Eloi Pineda, T. Deschamps, Shubin Li, Alberto Ronca, Jie Shen, Guillaume Morard, Nico Neuber, Maximilian Frey, Ralf Busch, Isabella Gallino, Mohamed Mezouar, Gavin Vaughan, Beatrice Ruta
Acta Materialia, vol. 255, p119065 (2023)
Normal to abnormal behavior of PbSiO3 glass: a vibrational spectroscopy investigation under high-pressure
R.B. Pena, T. Deschamps, Alex Amato, Sylvie Le Floch, Paolo Pizani, C. Martinet
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 589, p121614 (2022)
Le verre : fragile ou ductile ?
Étienne Barthel, T. Deschamps, Guillaume Kermouche, Christine Martinet, Gergely Molnár, Anne Tanguy
Reflets de la Physique, p46-51 (2022)
Memory effect in the plasticity of a silicate glass densified at room temperature
T. Deschamps, C. Martinet, B. Champagnon, Gergely Molnár, Etienne Barthel
Physical Review B, vol. 105, p224206 (2022)
Symmetry Breaking in Photonic Crystals: On-Demand Dispersion from Flatband to Dirac Cones
Hai Son Nguyen, F. Dubois, T. Deschamps, Sébastien Cueff, A. Pardon, Jean -Louis Leclercq, Christian Seassal, Xavier Letartre, P. Viktorovitch
Physical Review Letters, vol. 120 (2018)
Giant Enhancement of Luminescence Down-Shifting by a Doubly Resonant Rare-Earth-Doped Photonic Metastructure
Ngoc-Vu Hoang, Antonio A. Pereira, Hai Son Nguyen, Emmanuel Drouard, Bernard Moine, T. Deschamps, Régis Orobtchouk, Anne Pillonnet, Christian Seassal
ACS photonics, vol. 4, p1705 - 1712 (2017)
Permanently densified SiO2 glasses: a structural approach
C. Martinet, A. Kassir-Bodon, T. Deschamps, A. Cornet, Sylvie Le Floch, Valérie Martinez, Bernard Champagnon
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 27, p325401 (2015)
Elastic Moduli of Permanently Densified Silica Glasses
T. Deschamps, Jérémie Margueritat, C. Martinet, A. Mermet, B. Champagnon
Scientific Reports, vol. 4 (2015)
Structural properties of Y2O3-Al2O3 liquids and glasses: An overview
Martin C. Wilding, Mark Wilson, Paul F. Mcmillan, Chris J. Benmore, J. K. R. Weber, T. Deschamps, Bernard Champagnon
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 407 (2015)
Absorption in photonic crystals: from order to disorder
Christian Seassal, Loic Lalouat, He Ding, Emmanuel Drouard, Guillaume Gomard, Romain Peretti, T. Deschamps, Fabien Mandorlo, Régis Orobtchouk, Alain Fave
, vol. 9162, p916217 (2014)
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