
MARTINET Christine
  • Spectroscopies optiques des matériaux verres, amorphes et à nanoparticules
  • Support à la recherche
  • ILMTECH - Caractérisation
  • LIPPMANN / 2ème / 12-042
  • 0472448334
Cold-and Hot-Densification of a Depolymerized Glass: A Multiscale Vibrational Investigation of PbSiO3
Rafaella Bartz Pena, T. Deschamps, Sylvie Le Floch, Alice Berthelot, Elodie Romeo, T.R. Cunha, O. Peitl, A.D. Rodrigues, C. Martinet, P.S. Pizani
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 646, p123246 (2024)
High pressure-driven effects on the structural and spectroscopic attributes of Eu3+-doped amorphous silicates
R.F. Muniz, Yannick Guyot, C. Martinet, D.De Ligny, A.N. Medina, M.L. Baesso
Ceramics International, vol. 50, p9243-9249 (2024)
Memory effect in the plasticity of a silicate glass densified at room temperature
T. Deschamps, C. Martinet, B. Champagnon, Gergely Molnár, Etienne Barthel
Physical Review B, vol. 105, p224206 (2022)
Monitoring gypsum plaster setting in a foam through Raman spectroscopy
Physical Review Applied, vol. 18, p034078 (2022)
Normal to abnormal behavior of PbSiO3 glass: a vibrational spectroscopy investigation under high-pressure
R.B. Pena, T. Deschamps, Alex Amato, Sylvie Le Floch, Paolo Pizani, C. Martinet
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 589, p121614 (2022)
High-Pressure Plastic Deformation of Lead Metasilicate Glass Accessed by Raman Spectroscopy: Insights into the Q n distribution
R. B. Pena, V Laurent, T Deschamps, E Romeo, A. Picinin, C. Martinet, P Pizani
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 567, p120930 (2021)
Spectroscopie Brillouin : introduction et exemples
brice vincent, Didier Rouxel, C. Martinet, Jérémie Margueritat
, p247-272 (2020)
Highlighting the impact of shear strain on the SiO 2 glass structure: From experiments to atomistic simulations
C. Martinet, Manon Heili, Valérie Martinez, Guillaume Kermouche, Gergely Molnár, Nikita Shcheblanov, Etienne Barthel, Anne Tanguy
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 533, p119898 (2020)
Structure—longitudinal sound velocity relationships in glassy anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) up to 20 GPa: An in situ Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy study
Benjamin J.A. Moulton, Grant Henderson, C. Martinet, Valérie Martinez, Camille Sonneville, Dominique de Ligny
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 261, p132-144 (2019)
Evidence of polyamorphic transitions during densified SiO2 glass annealing
Antoine Cornet, C. Martinet, Valérie Martinez, Dominique de Ligny
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 151, p164502 (2019)
Relaxation study of pre-densified silica glasses under 2.5 MeV electron irradiation
Nadège Ollier, Matthieu Lancry, C. Martinet, Valérie Martinez, Sylvie Le Floch, Daniel R. Neuville
Scientific Reports, vol. 9, p1227 (2019)
Correlated evolution of structure and mechanical loss of a sputtered silica film
Massimo Granata, Elodie Coillet, Valérie Martinez, Vincent Dolique, Alex Amato, Maurizio Canepa, Jérémie Margueritat, C. Martinet, Alain Mermet, Christophe Michel, Laurent Pinard, Benoît Sassolas, Gianpietro Cagnoli
Phys.Rev.Mater., vol. 2, p053607 (2018)
Impact of glass density on the green emission and NBOHC formation in silica glass: A combined high pressure and 2.5 MeV electron irradiation
N. Ollier, K. Piven, C. Martinet, T. Billotte, Valérie Martinez, D. R. Neuville, Matthieu Lancry
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 476, p81-86 (2017)
Relaxation processes of densified silica glass
Antoine Cornet, Valérie Martinez, Ligny Dominique De, Bernard Champagnon, C. Martinet
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 146, p094504 (2017)
On the induction of homogeneous bulk crystallization in Eu-doped calcium aluminosilicate glass by applying simultaneous high pressure and temperature
R. F. Muniz, Dominique de Ligny, Sylvie Le Floch, C. Martinet, J. H. Rohling, A. N. Medina, M. Sandrini, L. H. C. Andrade, S. M. Lima, M. L. Baesso, Yannick Guyot
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 119, p245901 (2016)
A-thermal elastic behavior of silicate glasses
Mohammed Kamel Rabia, Simon Degioanni, C. Martinet, Jacques Le Brusq, Bernard Champagnon, Dominique Vouagner
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 28, p075402 (2016)
In situ structural analysis of calcium aluminosilicate glasses under high pressure.
R. F. Muniz, Ligny D. De, C. Martinet, M. Sandrini, A. N. Medina, J. H. Rohling, M. L. Baesso, S. M. Lima, L. H. C. Andrade, Yannick Guyot
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 28, p315402-315402 (2016)
Structural modifications of GeO2 glass under high pressure and high temperature
Antoine Cornet, Remy Molherac, Bernard Champagnon, C. Martinet
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 120, p115901 (2016)
Elastic Moduli of Permanently Densified Silica Glasses
T. Deschamps, Jérémie Margueritat, C. Martinet, A. Mermet, B. Champagnon
Scientific Reports, vol. 4 (2015)
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