
  • FemtoNanoOptics
  • KASTLER / 1er / 11-013
  • 0426234534
Vibrations of spherical core-shell nanoparticles
Aurélien Crut, Vincent Juvé, Denis Mongin, Paolo Maioli, N. del Fatti, Fabrice Vallée
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 83, p205430 (2011)
Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Response of a Single Gold Nanorod near Its Surface Plasmon Resonance
H. Baida, Denis Mongin, D. Christofilos, Guillaume Bachelier, Aurélien Crut, Paolo Maioli, Natalia del Fatti, Fabrice Vallée
Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, p057402 (2011)
Size Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Resonance Damping in Metal Nanospheres
J. Lermé, H. Baida, C. Bonnet, M. Broyer, Emmanuel Cottancin, Aurélien Crut, Paolo Maioli, N. del Fatti, F. Vallée, M. Pellarin
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 1, p2922-2928 (2010)
Functional nanostructures from clusters
A. Perez, P. Melinon, Véronique Dupuis, L. Bardotti, Bruno Masenelli, Florent Tournus, Brigitte Prevel, J. Tuaillon-Combes, E. Bernstein, A. Tamion, N. Blanc, D. Tainoff, Olivier Boisron, G. Guiraud, M. Broyer, M. Pellarin, N. del Fatti, F. Vallee, Emmanuel Cottancin, J. Lerme, J. L. Vialle, C. Bonnet, Paolo Maioli, Aurélien Crut, C. Clavier, J. L. Rousset, F. Morfin
International Journal of Nanotechnology, vol. 7, p523-574 (2010)
Probing Elasticity at the Nanoscale: Terahertz Acoustic Vibration of Small Metal Nanoparticles
Vincent Juvé, Aurélien Crut, Paolo Maioli, Michel Pellarin, Michel Broyer, Natalia del Fatti, Fabrice Vallée
Nano Letters, vol. 10, p1853-1858 (2010)
Cooling dynamics and thermal interface resistance of glass-embedded metal nanoparticles
Vincent Juvé, Mattia Scardamaglia, Paolo Maioli, Aurélien Crut, Samy Merabia, Laurent Joly, Natalia del Fatti, Fabrice Vallée
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 80, p195406 (2009)
Anisotropy effects on the time-resolved spectroscopy of the acoustic vibrations of nanoobjects
Aurélien Crut, Paolo Maioli, Natalia del Fatti, Fabrice Vallée
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 11, p5882 (2009)
Quantitative Determination of the Size Dependence of Surface Plasmon Resonance Damping in Single Ag@SiO2 Nanoparticles
H. Baida, Pierre Billaud, S. Marhaba, D. Christofilos, Emmanuel Cottancin, Aurélien Crut, Jean Lermé, Paolo Maioli, Michel Pellarin, Michel Broyer, Natalia del Fatti, Fabrice Vallée, Ana Sanchez-Iglesias, Isabel Pastoriza-Santos, Luis M. Liz-Marzan
Nano Letters, vol. 9, p3463-3469 (2009)
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