
  • Spectrométries des biomolécules et agrégats
Ultrafast µLIBS Imaging for the multiscale mineralogical characterization of pegmatite rocks
Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Adrian Tercier, Christophe Ballouard, Cécile Fabre, Sylvain Hermelin, Jérémie Margueritat, Ludovic Duponchel, Christophe Dujardin, V. Motto-Ros
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 39, p1077-1086 (2024)
Chemical and Acoustical Mixed-Mapping of Geological Materials from Laser-Induced Plasmas: A Comprehensive Approach to Differentiate Mineral Phases
Markéta Bosáková, J. Moros, Pablo Purohit, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Karel Novotný, Javier Laserna
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 96 (2024)
When Social Media Empowers Analytical Chemists to Explore Millions of Spectra Derived from a Complex Sample
Ludovic Duponchel, Ruggero Guerrini, Victor H.C. Ferreira, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Christophe Dujardin, V. Motto-Ros
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 96, p3994–3998 (2024)
Radiation-induced alteration of apatite on the surface of Mars: first in situ observations with SuperCam Raman onboard Perseverance
Elise Clavé, Olivier Beyssac, Sylvain Bernard, Clément Royer, G Lopez-Reyes, S Schröder, K Rammelkamp, Olivier Forni, Amaury Fau, Agnes Cousin, J A Manrique, Ann Ollila, Juan M Madariaga, Julene Aramendia, Shiv K Sharma, T Fornaro, Sylvestre Maurice, Roger C Wiens, Tayro Acosta-Maeda, Christophe Agard, Fernando Alberquilla, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Ryan Anderson, Daniel Applin, Julene Aramendia, Gorka Arana, Roberta Beal, Pierre Beck, Candice Bedford, Karim Benzerara, Sylvain Bernard, Pernelle Bernardi, Tanguy Bertrand, Olivier Beyssac, Thierry Bloch, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Bruno Bousquet, Abderrahmane Boustelitane, Magali Bouyssou Mann, Matthew Brand, Philippe Cais, Gwenael Caravaca, Kepa Castro Ortiz de Pinedo, Charlene Cazalla, Antoine Charpentier, Baptiste Chide, Elise Clavé, Samuel Clegg, Ed Cloutis, Leire Coloma, Jade Comellas, Stephanie Connell, Agnes Cousin, Lauren Deflores, Erwin Dehouck, Dot Delapp, Tomas Delgado Perez, Robin Deron, Christophe Donny, Alain Doressoundiram, Gilles Dromart, Ari Essunfeld, Cecile Fabre, Amaury Fau, Woodward Fischer, Hugo Follic, Olivier Forni, Thierry Fouchet, Raymond Francis, Jens Frydenvang, Travis Gabriel, Zachary Gallegos, Cristina García-Florentino, Patrick Gasda, Olivier Gasnault, Erin Gibbons, Martin Gillier, Laura Gomez, Sofia Gonzalez, John Grotzinger, Jennifer Huidobro, Xavier Jacob, Jeffrey Johnson, Hemani Kalucha, Evan Kelly, Elise Knutsen, Gaetan Lacombe, Florentin Lamarque, Nina Lanza, Carene Larmat, Javier Laserna, Jeremie Lasue, Laetitia Le Deit, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Chip Legett, Richard Leveille, Eric Lewin, Cynthia Little, Mattéo Loche, Guillermo Lopez Reyes, Ralph Lorenz, Eric Lorigny, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Morten Madsen, Lucia Mandon, Henry Manelski, Nicolas Mangold, Jose Manrique Martinez, Noah Martin, Jesus Martinez Frias, Sylvestre Maurice, Timothy Mcconnochie, Scott Mclennan, Noureddine Melikechi, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Frederique Meunier, David Mimoun, Gilles Montagnac, Franck Montmessin, Javier Moros, Valerie Mousset, Naomi Murdoch, Tony Nelson, Ray Newell, Cécile Nicolas, Horton Newsom, Colleen O’shea, Ann Ollila, Philippe Pantalacci, Jonathan Parmentier, Laurent Peret, Pascal Perrachon, Paolo Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P.C. Pinet, Iratxe Poblacion, Francois Poulet, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, William Rapin, Ivan Reyes, Laurent Rigaud, Scott Robinson, Ludovic Rochas, Margaret Root, Eloise Ropert, Léa Rouverand, Clément Royer, Fernando Rull Perez, David Said, Pierre Sans-Jofre, Susanne Schroeder, Fabian Seel, Shiv K Sharma, Amanda Sheridan, Pablo Sobron Sanchez, Aurélien Stcherbinine, Alex Stott, Michael Toplis, Nathalie Turenne, Marco Veneranda, Dawn Venhaus, Roger C Wiens, Uriah Wolf, Allison Zastrow
Scientific Reports, vol. 14, p11284 (2024)
Petrological traverse of the olivine cumulate Séítah formation at Jezero crater, Mars : A perspective from SuperCam onboard Perseverance
Olivier Beyssac, O. Forni, Agnès Cousin, Arya Udry, L.C. Kah, Lucia Mandon, Elise Clavé, Y. Liu, F. Poulet, C. Quantin Nataf, Olivier Gasnault, Jeffrey Johnson, Karim Benzerara, Pierre Beck, Erwin Dehouck, Nicolas Mangold, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, R. Anderson, G. Arana, R. Barnes, Sylvain Bernard, T. Bosak, Adrian Brown, K. Castro, Baptiste Chide, S. Clegg, E. Cloutis, Thierry Fouchet, T. Gabriel, S. Gupta, Gaetan Lacombe, Jérémie Lasue, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Guillermo López-Reyes, J.M. Madariaga, F.M. Mccubbin, Scott M Mclennan, J.A. Manrique, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Franck Montmessin, Jorge Núñez, A.M. Ollila, A. Ostwald, P. Pilleri, P.C. Pinet, Clément Royer, S.K. Sharma, Susanne Schröder, Justin I Simon, M.J. Toplis, Marco Veneranda, Peter Willis, S. Maurice, Roger C. Wiens
Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, vol. 128, pe2022JE007638 (2023)
High-Resolution High-Speed LIBS Microscopy
A. Tercier, E. Vasileva, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, C. Fabre, S. Hermelin, B. Soula, F. Trichard, Christophe Dujardin, V. Motto-Ros
Spectroscopy, vol. 38, p34-40 (2023)
The sound of geological targets on Mars from the absolute intensity of laser-induced sparks shock waves
Cesar Alvarez Llamas, J. Laserna, J. Moros, P. Purohit, L. García-Gómez, S.M. Angel, P. Bernardi, B. Bousquet, A. Cadu, E. Dauson, O. Forni, Thierry Fouchet, Olivier Gasnault, Xavier Jacob, Gaetan Lacombe, N.L. Lanza, C. Larmat, Jérémie Lasue, R.D. Lorenz, A. Stott, Pierre-Yves Meslin, D. Mimoun, Franck Montmessin, Naomi Murdoch, N. Randazzo, A.M. Ollila, P. Pilleri, A.L. Reyes-Newell, S. Schröder, J. Ten Cate, A. Udry, D. Vogt, S. Clegg, Agnès Cousin, S. Maurice, R.C. Wiens
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 205, p106687 (2023)
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy imaging for material and biomedical applications: recent advances and future perspectives
Vincent Gardette, V. Motto-Ros, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Lucie Sancey, Ludovic Duponchel, Benoît Busser
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 95, p49-69 (2023)
A systematic evaluation on the impact of sample-related and environmental factors in the analytical performance of acoustic emission from laser-induced plasmas
Markéta Bosáková, Pablo Purohit, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, J. Moros, Karel Novotný, Javier Laserna
Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 1225, p340224 (2022)
Author Correction: In situ recording of Mars soundscape
S. Maurice, Baptiste Chide, Naomi Murdoch, R. Lorenz, David Mimoun, Roger C. Wiens, A. Stott, Xavier Jacob, T. Bertrand, Franck Montmessin, Nina L Lanza, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, S M Angel, M. Aung, J. Balaram, Olivier Beyssac, Agnès Cousin, G. Delory, O. Forni, Thierry Fouchet, Olivier Gasnault, H. Grip, M. Hecht, J. Hoffman, J. Laserna, Jérémie Lasue, Justin Maki, J. Mcclean, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Stéphane Le Mouélic, A. Munguira, Claire Newman, J. A. Rodríguez Manfredi, J. Moros, A. Ollila, P. Pilleri, Susanne Schröder, M. de La Torre Juárez, T. Tzanetos, K. M. Stack, K. Farley, K. Williford, Roger C. Wiens, T. Acosta-Maeda, R. B. Anderson, D. M. Applin, G. Arana, M. Bassas-Portus, R. Beal, Pierre Beck, Karim Benzerara, Sylvain Bernard, P. Bernardi, T. Bosak, B. Bousquet, A. Brown, A. Cadu, P. Caïs, K. Castro, E. Clavé, S M Clegg, E. Cloutis, S. Connell, A. Debus, E. Dehouck, D. Delapp, C. Donny, A. Dorresoundiram, Gilles Dromart, B. Dubois, Cécile Fabre, A. Fau, W. Fischer, R. Francis, Jens Frydenvang, T. Gabriel, E. Gibbons, I. Gontijo, J. R. Johnson, H. Kalucha, E. Kelly, Elise Wright Knutsen, Gaetan Lacombe, Stéphane Le Mouélic, C. Legett, R. Leveille, E. Lewin, G. Lopez-Reyes, E. Lorigny, J. M. Madariaga, M. Madsen, S. Madsen, Lucia Mandon, Nicolas Mangold, M. Mann, J.-A. Manrique, J. Martinez-Frias, L. E. Mayhew, T. Mcconnochie, S. M. Mclennan, N. Melikechi, F. Meunier, Gilles Montagnac, V. Mousset, T. Nelson, R T Newell, Y. Parot, C. Pilorget, P.C. Pinet, G. Pont, F. Poulet, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, B. Quertier, William Rapin, A. Reyes-Newell, S. Robinson, L. Rochas, C. Royer, F. Rull, V. Sautter, S. Sharma, V. Shridar, A. Sournac, M. Toplis, I. Torre-Fdez, N. Turenne, A. Udry, M. Veneranda, D. Venhaus, D. Vogt, P. Willis
Nature, vol. 608, pE26 (2022)
Pressure Effects on Simultaneous Optical and Acoustics Data from Laser-Induced Plasmas in Air: Implications to the Differentiation of Geological Materials
Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Pablo Purohit, J. Moros, J Javier Laserna
Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 76, p946-958 (2022)
Post-landing major element quantification using SuperCam laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Ryan B. Anderson, Olivier Forni, Agnès Cousin, Roger C. Wiens, Samuel M. Clegg, Jens Frydenvang, Travis S. J. Gabriel, A. M. Ollila, Susanne Schröder, Olivier Beyssac, Erin Gibbons, David S. Vogt, Elise Clavé, Jose-Antonio Manrique, C. Legett, P. Pilleri, Raymond T. Newell, Joseph Sarrao, Sylvestre Maurice, Gorka Arana, Karim Benzerara, Pernelle Bernardi, Sylvain Bernard, Bruno Bousquet, Adrian J. Brown, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Baptiste Chide, Edward Cloutis, Jade Comellas, Stephanie Connell, Erwin Dehouck, Dorothea M. Delapp, Ari Essunfeld, Cecile Fabre, Thierry Fouchet, Cristina Garcia-Florentino, Laura García-Gómez, Patrick Gasda, Olivier Gasnault, Elisabeth M. Hausrath, Nina L. Lanza, Javier Laserna, Jérémie Lasue, Guillermo Lopez, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Lucia Mandon, Nicolas Mangold, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Anthony E. Nelson, Horton Newsom, Adriana L. Reyes-Newell, Scott Robinson, Fernando Rull, Shiv Sharma, Justin I. Simon, Pablo Sobron, Imanol Torre Fernandez, Arya Udry, Dawn Venhaus, Scott M. Mclennan, Richard V. Morris, Bethany Ehlmann
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 188, p106437 (2022)
In situ recording of Mars soundscape
S. Maurice, Baptiste Chide, Naomi Murdoch, R. Lorenz, David Mimoun, Roger C. Wiens, A. Stott, Xavier Jacob, T. Bertrand, Franck Montmessin, Nina L Lanza, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, S. Angel, M. Aung, J. Balaram, Olivier Beyssac, Agnès Cousin, G. Delory, O. Forni, Thierry Fouchet, Olivier Gasnault, H. Grip, M. Hecht, J. Hoffman, J. Laserna, Jérémie Lasue, Justin Maki, J. Mcclean, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Stéphane Le Mouélic, A. Munguira, Claire Newman, J. A. Rodríguez Manfredi, J. Moros, A. Ollila, P. Pilleri, Susanne Schröder, M. de La Torre Juárez, T. Tzanetos, K. M. Stack, K. Farley, K. Williford, T. Acosta-Maeda, R. B. Anderson, D. M. Applin, G. Arana, M. Bassas-Portus, R. Beal, Pierre Beck, Karim Benzerara, Sylvain Bernard, P. Bernardi, T. Bosak, B. Bousquet, A. Brown, A. Cadu, P. Caïs, K. Castro, E. Clavé, S. Clegg, E. Cloutis, S. Connell, A. Debus, E. Dehouck, D. Delapp, C. Donny, A. Dorresoundiram, Gilles Dromart, B. Dubois, Cécile Fabre, A. Fau, W. Fischer, R. Francis, Jens Frydenvang, T. Gabriel, E. Gibbons, I. Gontijo, J. R. Johnson, H. Kalucha, E. Kelly, Elise Wright Knutsen, Gaetan Lacombe, C. Legett, R. Leveille, E. Lewin, G. Lopez-Reyes, E. Lorigny, J. M. Madariaga, M. Madsen, S. Madsen, Lucia Mandon, Nicolas Mangold, M. Mann, J.-A. Manrique, J. Martinez-Frias, L. E. Mayhew, T. Mcconnochie, S. M. Mclennan, N. Melikechi, F. Meunier, Gilles Montagnac, V. Mousset, T. Nelson, R. Newell, Y. Parot, C. Pilorget, P.C. Pinet, G. Pont, F. Poulet, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, B. Quertier, William Rapin, A. Reyes-Newell, S. Robinson, L. Rochas, C. Royer, F. Rull, V. Sautter, S. Sharma, V. Shridar, A. Sournac, M. Toplis, I. Torre-Fdez, N. Turenne, A. Udry, M. Veneranda, D. Venhaus, D. Vogt, P. Willis
Nature, vol. 605, p653-658 (2022)
Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars
Roger C. Wiens, Arya Udry, Olivier Beyssac, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Nicolas Mangold, Agnè Cousin, Lucien Mandon, Tanja Bosak, Olivier Forni, Scott M Mclennan, V. Sautter, Adrian Brown, Karim Benzerara, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Lisa Mayhew, S. Maurice, Ryan B. Anderson, Samuel M. Clegg, Larry Crumpler, Travis S. J. Gabriel, Patrick J. Gasda, James Hall, Briony H. N. Horgan, Linda Kah, Carey Legett Iv, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Ann M. Ollila, François Poulet, Clément Royer, Shiv K. Sharma, Sandra Siljeström, Justin I. Simon, Tayro E. Acosta-Maeda, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, S. Michael Angel, Gorka Arana, Pierre Beck, Sylvain Bernard, T. Bertrand, Bruno Bousquet, Kepa Castro, Baptiste Chide, Elise Clavé, Ed Cloutis, Stephanie Connell, Erwin Dehouck, Gilles Dromart, Woodward Fischer, Thierry Fouchet, Raymond Francis, Jens Frydenvang, Olivier Gasnault, Erin Gibbons, Sanjeev Gupta, Elisabeth M. Hausrath, Xavier Jacob, Hemani Kalucha, Evan Kelly, Elise Wright Knutsen, Nina L Lanza, Javier Laserna, Jérémie Lasue, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Richard Leveille, Guillermo Lopez-Reyes, Ralph D. Lorenz, Jose Antonio Manrique, Jesus Martinez-Frias, Timothy Mcconnochie, Noureddine Melikechi, David Mimoun, Franck Montmessin, Javier Moros, Naomi Murdoch, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P.C. Pinet, William Rapin, Fernando Rull, Susanne Schröder, David L. Shuster, Rebecca J Smith, A. Stott, Jesse Tarnas, Nathalie Turenne, Marco Veneranda, David S. Vogt, Benjamin P. Weiss, Peter Willis, Kathryn M. Stack, Kenneth H. Williford, Kenneth A. Farley
Science Advances, vol. 8 (2022)
Critical evaluation of fast and highly resolved elemental distribution in single cells using LA-ICP-SFMS
J. Pisonero, D. Bouzas-Ramos, H. Traub, B. Cappella, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, S. Richter, J. Mayo, J. Costa-Fernandez, N. Bordel, N. Jakubowski
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 34, p655-663 (2019)
A compact, high-efficiency, quasi-continuous wave mini-stack diode pumped, actively Q-switched laser source for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Clement Roux, Olivier Musset
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 148, p118-128 (2018)
A novel approach for quantitative LIBS fluorine analysis using CaF emission in calcium-free samples
Cesar Alvarez Llamas, J. Pisonero, N. Bordel
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 32, p162-166 (2017)
An exploratory study of the potential of LIBS for visualizing gunshot residue patterns
María López-López, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Jorge Pisonero, Carmen García-Ruiz, Nerea Bordel
Forensic Science International, vol. 273, p124-131 (2017)
Quantification of fluorine traces in solid samples using CaF molecular emission bands in atmospheric air Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Cesar Alvarez Llamas, J. Pisonero, N. Bordel
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 123, p157-162 (2016)
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