
BIANCE Anne-Laure
  • Liquides et interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 1er / 11-001
  • 0472448228
Bending modulus of bidisperse particle rafts: Local and collective contributions
Pauline C. Petit, Anne-Laure Biance, Carole Planchette, Elise Lorenceau
Physical Review E, vol. 93, p2361 - 2376 (2016)
On the generation of a foam film during a topological rearrangement
Pauline Petit, Jacopo Seiwert, Isabelle Cantat, Anne-Laure Biance
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 763, p286 (2015)
Holes and cracks in rigid foam films
Pauline C. Petit, Marie Le Merrer, Anne-Laure Biance
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 774 (2015)
Two types of Cassie-to-Wenzel wetting transitions on superhydrophobic surfaces during drop impact
Choongyeop Lee, Henri Lastakowski, Anne-Laure Biance, Christophe Pirat, Chang-Jin “cj” Kim, Christophe Ybert
Soft Matter, vol. 11, p4592 - 4599 (2015)
Ultra-sensitive flow measurement in individual nanopores through pressure – driven particle translocation
Alessandro Gadaleta, Anne-Laure Biance, Alessandro Siria, Lyderic Bocquet
Nanoscale, vol. 7, p7965-7970 (2015)
Surface conductivity measurements in nanometric to micrometric foam films
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 27, p194118 (2015)
Leidenfrost drops: Effect of gravity
L. Maquet, M. Brandenbourger, B. Sobac, Anne-Laure Biance, P. Colinet, Stéphane Dorbolo
EPL - Europhysics Letters, vol. 110, p24001 (2015)
Bridging local to global dynamics of drop impact onto solid substrates
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 747, p103 - 118 (2014)
Oil repartition in a foam film architecture
Keyvan Piroird, Elise Lorenceau, Anne-Laure Biance
Soft Matter, vol. 10, p7061 (2014)
Does water foam exist in microgravity?
H. Caps, G. Delon, N. Vandewalle, R. M. Guillermic, Olivier Pitois, Anne-Laure Biance, L. Saulnier, P. Yazhgur, Emmanuelle Rio, A. Salonen, Dominique Langevin
Europhysics News, vol. 45, p22-25 (2014)
Osmotic Flow through Fully Permeable Nanochannels
C. Lee, Cecile Cottin-Bizonne, Anne-Laure Biance, Pierre Joseph, Lyderic Bocquet, Christophe Ybert
Physical Review Letters, vol. 112, p244501 (2014)
Anomalous zeta potential in foam films
Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, p088301 (2014)
Thermodynamic and Mechanical Timescales Involved in Foam Film Rupture and Liquid Foam Coalescence
Emmanuelle Rio, Anne-Laure Biance
ChemPhysChem, vol. 15, p3692-3707 (2014)
Generation and stability of bubbles in a cement based slurry
Pauline Petit, I. Javierre, P. H. Jezequel, Anne-Laure Biance
Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 60, p37-44 (2014)
Soft Nanofluidic Transport in a Soap Film
Oriane Bonhomme, Olivier Liot, Anne-Laure Biance, Lyderic Bocquet
Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, p054502 (2013)
Coalescence of armored interface under impact
C. Planchette, Anne-Laure Biance, Olivier Pitois, Elise Lorenceau
Physics of Fluids, vol. 25, p042104 (2013)
Giant osmotic energy conversion measured in a single transmembrane boron nitride nanotube
Alessandro Siria, Poncharal Philippe, Anne-Laure Biance, Rémy Fulcrand, Xavier Blase, S.T. Purcell, Lyderic Bocquet
Nature, vol. 494, p455-458 (2013)
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