
  • Structure et dynamique multi-échelles des édifices moléculaires
  • KASTLER / 1er / 11-006
  • 0472431266
Air-photonics based terahertz source and detection system
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, vol. 232, p2157-2166 (2023)
Chromatic aberrations correction of attosecond high-order harmonic beams by flat-top spatial shaping of the fundamental beam
K Veyrinas, M Plach, Jasper Peschel, M Hoflund, F Catoire, C. Valentin, P Smorenburg, H Dacasa, S Maclot, Chen Guo, H Wikmark, A. Zaïr, V Strelkov, C Picot, C Arnold, P Eng-Johnsson, Anne L'Huillier, E Mével, Eric Constant
New Journal of Physics, vol. 25, p023017 (2023)
Air-photonics terahertz platform with versatile micro-controller based interface and data acquisition
E. Prost, V. Loriot, Eric Constant, I. Compagnon, L. Bergé, F. Lépine, Stefan Skupin
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 93, p033004 (2022)
How to optimize high-order harmonic generation in gases
R. Weissenbilder, S. Carlström, L. Rego, Chen Guo, C. Heyl, P. Smorenburg, Eric Constant, C. Arnold, Anne L'Huillier
Nature Reviews Physics, vol. 4, p713-722 (2022)
Femtosecond Laser Induced Resonant Tunneling in an Individual Quantum Dot Attached to a Nanotip
Maxime Duchet, Sorin Perisanu, Stephen T Purcell, Eric Constant, V. Loriot, Hirofumi Yanagisawa, Matthias F Kling, Franck Lepine, Anthony Ayari
ACS photonics, vol. 8, p505-511 (2021)
Focusing Properties of High-Order Harmonics
Maria Hoflund, Jasper Peschel, Marius Plach, Hugo Dacasa, Kévin Veyrinas, Eric Constant, Peter Smorenburg, Hampus Wikmark, Sylvain Maclot, Chen Guo, Cord Arnold, Anne L'Huillier, Per Eng-Johnsson
Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science / Atomic and Molecular Sciences, vol. 2021, p1-8 (2021)
High-order parametric generation of coherent XUV radiation
O Hort, A Dubrouil, M A Khokhlova, D Descamps, S Petit, F Burgy, E. Mével, Eric Constant, V V Strelkov
Optics Express, vol. 29, p5982 (2021)
Ultrafast dynamics of correlation bands following XUV molecular photoionization
A. Boyer, M. Herve, V. Despré, P. Castellanos Nash, V. Loriot, A. Scognamiglio, G. Karras, Richard Brédy, Eric Constant, A.G.G.M. Tielens, A.I. Kuleff, F. Lepine
, p1-1 (2021)
Attosecond Ionization Time Delay Around a Shape Resonance in Nitrogen Measured by the RABBIT-2ω method
V. Loriot, Alexandre Marciniak, S. Nandi, G. Karras, Marius Hervé, Eric Constant, E. Plesiat, A. Palacios, F. Martin, F. Lepine
, p1-1 (2021)
Spectral filtering of high-order harmonics via optics-free focusing
K. Veyrinas, J. Vábek, C. Valentin, D. Descamps, C. Péjot, F. Burgy, Eric Constant, E. Mével, F. Catoire
Optics Express, vol. 29, p29813 (2021)
Optics-free ffocusing and application to spectral filtering of XUV beam
C. Valentin, K Veyrinas, J Vabék, D. Descamps, C Péjot, F. Burgy, F Catoire, Eric Constant, E. Mével
High harmonic generation-2 ω attosecond stereo-photoionization interferometry in N 2
V. Loriot, Alexandre Marciniak, Saikat Nandi, G. Karras, Marius Hervé, Eric Constant, E. Plésiat, A. Palacios, F. Martin, F. Lépine
Journal of Physics: Photonics, vol. 2, p024003 (2020)
Attosecond delays in photoionization of diatomic and polyatomic molecules
V. Loriot, Alexandre Marciniak, S. Nandi, Marius Hervé, G. Karras, Eric Constant, F. Lépine
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1412, p072045 (2020)
Ultrafast dynamics of correlation bands following XUV molecular photoionization
Marius Hervé, V. Despré, P. Castellanos Nash, V. Loriot, A. Boyer, A. Scognamiglio, G. Karras, Richard Brédy, Eric Constant, A. Tielens, A. Kuleff, Franck Lépine
Nature Physics (2020)
Optics-less focusing of XUV high-order harmonics
L. Quintard, V. Strelkov, J Vabek, O. Hort, A. Dubrouil, D. Descamps, F. Burgy, C Péjot, E. Mével, Fabrice Catoire, Eric Constant
Science Advances, vol. 5, peaau7175 (2019)
Electron correlation driven non-adiabatic relaxation in molecules excited by an ultrashort extreme ultraviolet pulse
Alexandre Marciniak, V. Despré, V. Loriot, G. Karras, Marius Hervé, L. Quintard, F. Catoire, Christine Joblin, Eric Constant, A. I. Kuleff, Franck Lepine
Nature Communications, vol. 10, p337 (2019)
PAH under XUV excitation: an ultrafast XUV- photochemistry experiment for astrophysics
Marius Hervé, P Castellanos, G Karras, V. Despré, Alexandre Marciniak, Eric Constant, V. Loriot, A. I. Kuleff, A. Tielens, F. Lépine
EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 205, p06012 (2019)
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