Old Postgraduate Students :
Delphine Manchon (2012), Teacher
"Optical response of single anisotropic nano-objects : from gold to transition metals."
Nadia Grillet (2011), Associate professor to IM2NP - UMR CNRS 7334 & Universities of Aix-Marseille and Toulon
"Optical response of single silver nano-object : Plasmonic coupling and photo-oxidation."
Salem Maharba (2008), Associate professor to the University of Beirut (Lebanon)
"Influence of the morphology on the optical properties of single metallic nano-objects."
Rola Alayan (2007), Researcher into Lebanon
"Mass selected clusters soft-landed on surface : Morphology and organization of particles."
Pierre Billaud (2006), Associate professor to the Laboratory Aimé Cotton
"Optical properties of single noble metal nanoparticles.",
Gulabi Celep (2006), Business manager
"Optical properties and dynamical process in metal nano-clusters : copper clusters and mixed indium/silver core-shell systems. "
Mélanie Gaudry (2002), Teacher
"Optical properties of mixed transition metal clusters in alumina : size and composition effects."