Scientific documents
You will find here several downloadable scientific documents, such as posters or oral presentations in past conferences, or also recent thesis of PhD students of our group.
Please respect copyright and intellectual property.
- Thesis of Ophelliam Loiselet (2018), in French: Synthèse et caractérisation d’agrégats bimétalliques pour la magnéto-plasmonique
- Thesis of Anthony Robert (2017), in French: Étude du couplage magnétique dans des nanoparticules bimétalliques de FeRh et de CoTb
- Thesis of Ghassan Khadra (2015), in English: Magnetic and structural properties of size-selected FeCo nanoparticle assemblies
- Thesis of Simón Oyarzún (2013), in English: Spintronics in cluster-assembled nanostructures
- Thesis of Arnaud Hillion (2012), in French: Étude des propriétés magnétiques d'assemblées de nanoparticules de Co, FeRh et FeAu.
- Thesis of Nils Blanc (2009), in French: Caractérisation structurale et magnétique de nanoparticules de CoPt : mise en évidence de la transition de phase A1 vers L10
Presentations at conferences/seminars
- APS March Meeting (2019): "Organization and magnetic properties of mass-selected FePt nanoparticles deposited on epitaxially grown graphene on Ir(111)"
- French-Spanish Workshop on Nanomagnetism (2017): "Magnetic cluster deposition: from individual nano-objects to complex systems"
- Summer School "Physics and chemistry of nanoclusters" of the european Catsense network (2015): “Magnetic properties of nanoparticles: from individual objects to cluster assemblies”
- Séminaire Dautreppe Matière et Symétries (2014), slides in English: « Nanostructures et symétries, nano-objets »
- Seminar at ESPCI (2014), slides in English: « Dépôt de nano-aimants préformés : des propriétés intrinsèques à l'auto-organisation »
- Oral presentation at DICNMA (2013): “Advanced magnetic anisotropy determination of nanoparticles through susceptibility and remanence curves”
Other documents
- Introduction to nano-magnetism (training for high-school teachers), in French: « Nanomagnétisme »