
BENOIT Jean-Michel
  • Matériaux et Nanostructures Photoniques
  • KASTLER / 4ème / 14-010
  • 0472448562
Refractive Index Evaluation in Active TDBC Layers for Photonics Applications
Komlan Gadedjisso-Tossou, Tessa Albaric, Adam Habouria, Deru Lian, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, Joel Bellessa, Alban Gassenq
Photonics, vol. 11, p802 (2024)
Plasmon-Mediated Energy Transfer between Two Systems out of Equilibrium
Camilo R Pérez de la Vega, Elise Bailly, Kévin Chevrier, B. Vest, Jean-Paul Hugonin, Antoine Bard, Alban Gassenq, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, Joel Bellessa, Jean-Jacques Greffet, Yannick De Wilde, Valentina Krachmalnicoff
ACS photonics, vol. 10, p1169-1176 (2023)
Confined Tamm plasmon light-emitting diodes
Clémentine Symonds, V. Toanen, Alban Gassenq, Jean-Michel Benoit, Antonio A. Pereira, Etienne Cleyet-Merle, Rémy Fulcrand, François Bessueille, S. Minot, Martina Morassi, Aristide Lemaître, Joel Bellessa
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 122 (2023)
Strong coupling for bifunctionality in organic systems
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 121, p181101 (2022)
Exploring the benefits of surface analysis techniques to develop double multilayer transfer printing of J-Aggregates cyanine dyes by integrating L-b-L and μCp processes
Sylvain Minot, Corinne Gablin, Alban Gassenq, Antoine Bard, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, Joël Bellessa, Didier Léonard, François Bessueille
Talanta, vol. 250, p123731 (2022)
Study of dye local photo-bleaching obtained by UV lithography for photonics applications
Alban Gassenq, Kevin Chevrier, Antoine Bard, Jean-Michel Benoit, Clémentine Symonds, Joel Bellessa
, p1-1 (2021)
Selective grating obtained by dye micro-structuration based on local photo- bleaching using laser writer
Alban Gassenq, Kevin Chevrier, Antoine Bard, Jean-Michel Benoit, Clémentine Symonds, Joël Bellessa
Applied optics, vol. 59, p5697-5701 (2020)
Room-Temperature Lasing in a Low-Loss Tamm Plasmon Cavity
Vincent Toanen, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, Alban Gassenq, Aristide Lemaître, Joël Bellessa
ACS photonics, vol. 7, p2952-2957 (2020)
From localized to delocalized plasmonic modes, first observation of superradiant scattering in disordered semi-continuous metal films
Alice Berthelot, Gérard Colas des Francs, Hugo Varguet, Jérémie Margueritat, Ruben Mascart, Jean-Michel Benoit, Julien Laverdant
Nanotechnology, vol. 30, p015706 (2019)
Anisotropy and Controllable Band Structure in Suprawavelength Polaritonic Metasurfaces
Kevin Chevrier, Jean-Michel Benoit, Clémentine Symonds, S. k. Saikin, J. Yuen-Zhou, Joël Bellessa
Physical Review Letters, vol. 122, p173902 (2019)
Vertical Plasmonic Nanoantenna for Emission and Redirection
Jean-Michel Benoit, J. Paparone, Kevin Chevrier, Clémentine Symonds, Julien Laverdant, Joël Bellessa
, p1-3 (2018)
Vertical pillar nanoantenna for emission enhancement and redirection
J. Paparone, Julien Laverdant, G. Brucoli, Clémentine Symonds, Aurélien Crut, Natalia del Fatti, Jean-Michel Benoit, Joël Bellessa
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 51, p045301 (2018)
Organic Exciton in Strong Coupling with Long-Range Surface Plasmons and Waveguided Modes
K. Chevrier, Jean-Michel Benoit, Clémentine Symonds, J. Paparone, Julien Laverdant, Joël Bellessa
ACS photonics, vol. 5, p80-84 (2018)
Tamm plasmon sub-wavelength structuration for loss reduction and resonance tuning
A. Gubaydullin, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, L. Ferrier, T. Benyatou, Cecile Jamois, Aristide Lemaître, Pascale Senellart-Mardon, M. Kaliteevski, Joël Bellessa
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, p261103 (2017)
Coherence in disordered emitters coupled to surface and long-range plasmons
Jean-Michel Benoit, Kevin Chevrier, Clémentine Symonds, J. Paparone, Joël Bellessa
, p1-1 (2017)
High quality factor confined Tamm modes
Clémentine Symonds, S. Azzini, G. Lheureux, Agnès Piednoir, Jean-Michel Benoit, Aristide Lemaître, P. Senellart, Joël Bellessa
Scientific Reports, vol. 7, p3859 (2017)
3D Imaging of Nanoparticle Distribution in Biological Tissue by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Y. Gimenez, B. Busser, F. Trichard, A. Kulesza, J. M. Laurent, V. Zaun, F. Lux, Jean-Michel Benoit, Gérard Panczer, Philippe Dugourd, Olivier Tillement, F. Pelascini, Lucie Sancey, V. Motto-Ros
Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p29936 (2016)
Generation and Spatial Control of Hybrid Tamm Plasmon/Surface Plasmon Modes
Stefano Azzini, Guillaume Lheureux, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, Pascale Senellart-Mardon, Aristide Lemaître, Jean-Jacques Greffet, Cédric Blanchard, Christophe Sauvan, Joël Bellessa
ACS photonics, vol. 3, p1776 - 1781 (2016)
Laser spectrometry for multi-elemental imaging of biological tissues
Lucie Sancey, V. Motto-Ros, B Busser, S Kotb, Jean-Michel Benoit, Agnès Piednoir, F Lux, Olivier Tillement, Gérard Panczer, J. Yu
Scientific Reports, vol. 4, p6065 (2014)
Behavior of size selected iron-platinum clusters soft landed on carbon nanotubes
Applied Surface Science, vol. 301, p564-567 (2014)
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