
  • Liquides et interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 1er / 11-019
  • 0472448558
Microscopic view on the polarization-resolved S-SHG intensity of the vapor/liquid interface of pure water
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, p154712 (2024)
Liquid Water: When Hyperpolarizability Fluctuations Boost and Reshape the Second Harmonic Scattering Intensities
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 14, p4158-4163 (2023)
First hyperpolarizability of water in bulk liquid phase: long-range electrostatic effects included via the second hyperpolarizability
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 24, p19463 - 19472 (2022)
Multistep Micellization of Standard Surfactants Evidenced by Second Harmonic Scattering
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 125, p10876-10881 (2021)
First hyperpolarizability of water at the air–vapor interface: a QM/MM study questions standard experimental approximations
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 23, p24932-24941 (2021)
Electrokinetic sweeping of colloids at a reactive magnesium oxide interface.
Soft Matter, vol. 17, p8705-8711 (2021)
Nonlinear Optical Signature of Nanostructural Transition in Ionic Liquids
Antonin Pardon, Oriane Bonhomme, Clotilde Gaillard, P.F. Brevet, Emmanuel Benichou
Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 322, p114976 (2021)
Thermally Enhanced Electro-osmosis to Control Foam Stability
Physical Review X, vol. 10, p021015 (2020)
Longitudinal position dependence of the second-harmonic generation of optically trapped silica microspheres
Lucile Sanchez, Aurélie Bruyère, Oriane Bonhomme, Emmanuel Benichou, P.F. Brevet
Optics Letters, vol. 45, p3196-3199 (2020)
Liquid fraction profile in a liquid foam under an applied voltage
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 3, p110505 (2018)
Electroosmosis near surfactant laden liquid–air interfaces
Soft Matter, vol. 14, p2604 - 2609 (2018)
Measuring surface charge: Why experimental characterization and molecular modeling should be coupled
Remco Hartkamp, Anne-Laure Biance, Li Fu, Jean-François Dufrêche, Oriane Bonhomme, Laurent Joly
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, vol. 37, p101 - 114 (2018)
Electrokinetic transport in liquid foams
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 247, p477 - 490 (2017)
Molecular organization and phase transition at the air-water interface investigated by second-harmonic generation
Emmanuel Benichou, Aurélie Bruyère, Emilie Forel, Oriane Bonhomme, P.F. Brevet
Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Xvii, vol. 9360, p93600T (2015)
Surface conductivity measurements in nanometric to micrometric foam films
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 27, p194118 (2015)
Soft Nanofluidic Transport in a Soap Film
Oriane Bonhomme, Olivier Liot, Anne-Laure Biance, Lyderic Bocquet
Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, p054502 (2013)
Adiabatic electron affinities of (AgF)n clusters: Experiment and DFT calculations
Franck Rabilloud, Oriane Bonhomme, Jean-Marc L'Hermite, Pierre Labastie
Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 454, p153-157 (2008)
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