
BREDY Richard
  • Structure et dynamique multi-échelles des édifices moléculaires
  • KASTLER / 1er / 11-009
  • 0472448368
Non-ergodic fragmentation of protonated reserpine using femtosecond laser activation
Richard Brédy, Marius Hervé, A. Boyer, Jeffery Brown, Isabelle Compagnon, Franck Lépine
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 471, p116729 (2022)
Ultrafast dynamics in molecular ions following UV and XUV excitation: a perspective
Marius Hervé, A. Boyer, Richard Brédy, Isabelle Compagnon, Franck Lépine
Advances in Physics: X, vol. 7, p2123283 (2022)
On-the-fly investigation of XUV excited large molecular ions using a high harmonic generation light source
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p13191 (2022)
Ultrafast dynamics of correlation bands following XUV molecular photoionization
A. Boyer, M. Herve, V. Despré, P. Castellanos Nash, V. Loriot, A. Scognamiglio, G. Karras, Richard Brédy, Eric Constant, A.G.G.M. Tielens, A.I. Kuleff, F. Lepine
, p1-1 (2021)
Distinguishing Galactoside Isomers with Mass Spectrometry and Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy
Jordan S Ho, Amira Gharbi, Baptiste Schindler, Oznur Yeni, Richard Brédy, Laurent Legentil, Vincent Ferrières, Laura L Kiessling, Isabelle Compagnon
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 143, p10509-10513 (2021)
Synthesis of an Exhaustive Library of Naturally Occurring Galf-Manp and Galp-Manp Disaccharides. Toward Fingerprinting According to Ring Size by Advanced Mass Spectrometry-Based IM-MS and IRMPD
Bénédicte Favreau, Oznur Yeni, Simon Ollivier, Joël Boustie, Françoise Lohezic-Le Devehat, Jean-Paul Guégan, Mathieu Fanuel, Hélène Rogniaux, Richard Brédy, Isabelle Compagnon, David Ropartz, Laurent Legentil, Vincent Ferrières
Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 86, p6390–6405 (2021)
Controlled ultrafast ππ*-πσ* dynamics in tryptophan-based peptides with tailored micro-environment
Marius Hervé, A. Boyer, Richard Brédy, Isabelle Compagnon, Abdul-Rahman Allouche, Franck Lépine
Communications Chemistry, vol. 4 (2021)
Ultrafast dynamics of correlation bands following XUV molecular photoionization
Marius Hervé, V. Despré, P. Castellanos Nash, V. Loriot, A. Boyer, A. Scognamiglio, G. Karras, Richard Brédy, Eric Constant, A. Tielens, A. Kuleff, Franck Lépine
Nature Physics (2020)
On-the-Fly Femtosecond Action Spectroscopy of Charged Cyanine Dyes: Electronic Structure versus Geometry
Marius Hervé, Richard Brédy, Gabriel Karras, Bruno Concina, Jeffery Brown, Abdul-Rahman Allouche, Franck Lepine, Isabelle Compagnon
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 10, p2300-2305 (2019)
Time-resolved and spectrally resolved ionization with a single ultrashort XUV-IR beamline
V. Loriot, L. Quintard, G. Karras, Alexandre Marciniak, F. Catoire, Marius Hervé, I. Compagnon, G. Renois-Predelus, B. Schindler, Bruno Concina, G. Celep, Richard Brédy, C. Bordas, F. Lépine, Eric Constant
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 35, pA67 (2018)
Excitation, fragmentation and radiative decay of molecules studied with fast ion beams
Lin Chen, Jérôme Bernard, Richard Brédy, Serge Martin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 875, p012005 (2017)
Cooling of PAH cations studied with an electrostatic storage ring
Jerome Bernard, Li Chen, Richard Brédy, Mingchao Ji, Celine Ortega, Jun Matsumoto, Serge Martin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 408 (2017)
Cooling of isolated anthracene cations probed with photons of different wavelengths in the Mini-Ring
M. Ji, Jérôme Bernard, Lin Chen, Richard Brédy, C. Ortega, Christine Joblin, Amine Cassimi, Serge Martin
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 146, p044301 (2017)
Angularly resolved RABBITT using a second harmonic pulse
V. Loriot, Alexandre Marciniak, Gabriel Karras, Baptiste Schindler, Gina Renois-Predelus, Isabelle Compagnon, Bruno Concina, Richard Brédy, Gulabi Celep, C. Bordas, Eric Constant, Franck Lépine
Journal of Optics, vol. 19, p114003 (2017)
FAIMS-MS-IR spectroscopy workflow: a multidimensional platform for the analysis of molecular isoforms
Baptiste Schindler, Agathe Depraz Depland, Gina Renois-Predelus, Gabriel Karras, Bruno Concina, Gulabi Celep, Jacques Maurelli, V. Loriot, Eric Constant, Richard Brédy, C. Bordas, Franck Lepine, Isabelle Compagnon
International Journal For Ion Mobility Spectrometry, vol. 20, p119-124 (2017)
Influence of long-range Coulomb interaction in velocity map imaging
T. Barillot, Richard Brédy, G. Celep, S. Cohen, I. Compagnon, Bruno Concina, Eric Constant, S. Danakas, P. Kalaitzis, G. Karras, F. Lepine, V. Loriot, Alexandre Marciniak, G. Predelus-Renois, B. Schindler, C. Bordas
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 147, p013929 (2017)
Fluorescence decay of naphthalene studied in an electrostatic storage ring, the Mini-Ring
Serge Martin, J. Matsumoto, N. Kono, M. -. C. Ji, Richard Brédy, Jerome Bernard, Amine Cassimi, Li Chen Yu
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 408 (2017)
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