
  • Transport, Nanomagnétisme et Matériaux pour l'Énergie
  • BRILLOUIN / 3ème / 13-006
  • 0472431996
Finite size effects on the metamagnetic phase transition in a thick B2 FeRh nanocluster film
Guillermo Herrera, Anthony Robert, S. Gonzalez, Patrick Schoeffmann, A. Tamion, Florent Tournus, L. Bardotti, Olivier Boisron, Clement Albin, Nicholas Blanchard, Infante Ingrid C., Pedro Rojo Romeo, Bruno Canut, Edwige Otero, Philippe Ohresser, Fabrice Wilhelm, Andrei Rogalev, Matthieu Bugnet, Damien Le Roy, Véronique Dupuis
Nanoscale (2024)
Chemical and magnetic order in mass-selected large FeRh nanomagnets embedded in a carbon matrix
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, vol. 97, p32 (2022)
Elaboration of nanomagnet arrays: organization and magnetic properties of mass-selected FePt nanoparticles deposited on epitaxially grown graphene on Ir(111)
Pierre Capiod, L. Bardotti, A. Tamion, Olivier Boisron, Clement Albin, Véronique Dupuis, Gilles Renaud, Philippe Ohresser, Florent Tournus
Physical Review Letters, vol. 122, p106802 (2019)
Organization and magnetic properties of FePt nanoparticles deposited on graphene/Ir moiré pattern
, p1-1 (2018)
Bottom-up strategies for the assembling of magnetic systems using nanoclusters
Véronique Dupuis, Arnaud Hillion, Anthony Robert, Ophelliam Loiselet, Ghassan Khadra, Pierre Capiod, Clement Albin, Olivier Boisron, Damien Le Roy, L. Bardotti, Florent Tournus, A. Tamion
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 20 (2018)
Nanostructured L1(0)-CoPt dot arrays with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
A. Hannour, L. Bardotti, Brigitte Prevel, Florent Tournus, D. Mailly, Jean-Pierre Bucher, A. Nafidi
Materials Letters, vol. 193, p108-111 (2017)
Moiré induced organization of size-selected Pt clusters soft landed on epitaxial graphene
Sébastien Linas, Fabien Jean, Tao Zhou, Clement Albin, Gilles Renaud, L. Bardotti, Florent Tournus
Scientific Reports, vol. 5, p13053 (2015)
Intrinsic magnetic properties of bimetallic nanoparticles elaborated by cluster beam deposition
Véronique Dupuis, G. Khadra, A. Hillion, A. Tamion, Juliette Tuaillon-Combes, L. Bardotti, Florent Tournus
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 17, p27996-28004 (2015)
Interplay between Raman shift and thermal expansion in graphene: temperature-dependent measurements and analysis of substrate corrections
S. Linas, Y. Magnin, B. Poinsot, Olivier Boisron, G. Förster, Valérie Martinez, Rémy Fulcrand, Florent Tournus, Véronique Dupuis, Franck Rabilloud, L. Bardotti, Z. Han, D. Kalita, V. Bouchiat, F. Calvo, G. Förster
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 91, p075426 (2015)
Behavior of size selected iron-platinum clusters soft landed on carbon nanotubes
Applied Surface Science, vol. 301, p564-567 (2014)
Dimensionality transition in submonolayer growth on carbon nanotubes
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 89, p035425 (2014)
Self-organisation of size-selected CoxPt1-x clusters on graphite
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, p26653-26657 (2014)
Element-specific quantitative determination of the local atomic order in CoPt alloy nanoparticles: Experiment and theory
Nils Blanc, L.E. Diaz-Sanchez, Aline Y. Ramos, Florent Tournus, Hélio Tolentino, Maurizio de Santis, Olivier Proux, A. Tamion, Juliette Tuaillon-Combes, L. Bardotti, Olivier Boisron, G.M. Pastor, Véronique Dupuis
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 87, p155412 (2013)
Local ion irradiation of thin graphene films grown on SiC substrates
Brigitte Prevel, Jean-Michel Benoit, L. Bardotti, P. Mélinon, A. Mayumi Sato, Abdelkarim Ouerghi, D. Lucot, E. Bourhis, J. Gierak
Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 98, p206-209 (2012)
Nanostructuring graphene on SiC by focused ion beam: Effect of the ion fluence
Brigitte Prevel, Jean-Michel Benoit, L. Bardotti, P. Mélinon, Abdelkarim Ouerghi, D. Lucot, E. Bourhis, J. Gierak
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 99, p083116 (2011)
Functional nanostructures from clusters
A. Perez, P. Melinon, Véronique Dupuis, L. Bardotti, Bruno Masenelli, Florent Tournus, Brigitte Prevel, J. Tuaillon-Combes, E. Bernstein, A. Tamion, N. Blanc, D. Tainoff, Olivier Boisron, G. Guiraud, M. Broyer, M. Pellarin, N. del Fatti, F. Vallee, Emmanuel Cottancin, J. Lerme, J. L. Vialle, C. Bonnet, Paolo Maioli, Aurélien Crut, C. Clavier, J. L. Rousset, F. Morfin
International Journal of Nanotechnology, vol. 7, p523-574 (2010)
Evidence of L1(0) chemical order in CoPt nanoclusters: Direct observation and magnetic signature
Florent Tournus, A. Tamion, Nils Blanc, Abdelkrim Hannour, L. Bardotti, Brigitte Prevel, Philippe Ohresser, Edgar Bonet, Thierry Epicier, Véronique Dupuis
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 77, p144411 (2008)
Functionalized Cluster-Assembled Magnetic Nanostructures for Applications to high Integration-Density Devices
Luc Favre, A. Perez, Véronique Dupuis, J. Tuaillon-Combes, L. Bardotti, Brigitte Prevel, E. Bernstein, P. Mélinon, A. Hannour, M. Jamet
Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 7, p475 - 485 (2005)
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