
Our research activity focuses on the role of interfaces in the dynamics of liquids and soft matter. We explore a wide range of length scales: from the basic coupling mechanisms taking place at the nanoscale, to their consequences on the dynamics at the macroscale.

On the experimental side, probing such wide range of length scales is made possible by using a variety of tools: nano-  and micro-fluidic systems, optical measurements (confocal microscopy, FRAP, micro-PIV, FCS, Brillouin spectroscopy, etc.), electrokinetic approaches (patch-clamp, Coulter counter, etc.), and imagery (high-speed camera, etc.).

Our research activity unfolds around five main themes:


Active matter and materials

how crowds of active particles behave...




Complex fluids

how soft materials deform and break...

Interfacial transport and nanofluidics

how interfaces can govern transport phenomena...


Mechanics of interfaces

how solid and granular materials break...



Phase transition and metastability

how a varietyof  phenomena are controlled by  phase changes...





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