Publications ( 118 )

Surfactant-induced dissipation in sheared foams: mechanics and thermodynamics
Yedhir Mezache, François Detcheverry, Bastien Di Pierro, Peter D M Spelt, Anne-Laure Biance, Marie Le Merrer
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 9 (2024)
Dehydration drives damage in the freezing of brittle hydrogels
Shaohua Yang, Dominic Gerber, Yanxia Feng, Nicolas Bain, Matthias Kuster, Laura de Lorenzis, Ye Xu, Eric Dufresne, Robert Style
Science Advances, vol. 10 (2024)
Discrepancies in dynamic yield stress measurements of cement pastes
Subhransu Dhar, Teresa Liberto, Catherine Barentin, Thibaut Divoux, Agathe Robisson
Rheologica Acta, vol. 63, p657-672 (2024)
Monte Carlo simulations of the blinking-checkers model for polyamorphic fluids
Sergey Buldyrev, Thomas Longo, Frédéric Caupin, Mikhail Anisimov
Molecular Physics, vol. 122 (2024)
Dynamics of centipede locomotion revealed by large-scale traction force microscopy
J.-P. Rieu, Hélène Delanoë-Ayari, Catherine Barentin, T. Nakagaki, S. Kuroda
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 21 (2024)
Isotope effect on the anomalies of water: A corresponding states analysis
Frédéric Caupin, Pierre Ragueneau, B. Issenmann
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 160 (2024)
Crystal Nucleation in Supercooled Atomic Liquids
Johannes Möller, Alexander Schottelius, Michele Caresana, Ulrike Boesenberg, Chan Kim, Francesco Dallari, Tiberio Ezquerra, José Fernández, Luca Gelisio, Andrea Glaesener, Claudia Goy, Jörg Hallmann, Anton Kalinin, Ruslan Kurta, Dmitry Lapkin, Felix Lehmkühler, Francesco Mambretti, Markus Scholz, Roman Shayduk, Florian Trinter, Ivan Vartaniants, Alexey Zozulya, Davide Galli, Gerhard Grübel, Anders Madsen, Frédéric Caupin, Robert Grisenti
Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, p206102 (2024)
Optimal run-and-tumble in slit-like confinement
Physical Review Research, vol. 6, p023028 (2024)
Microscopic Interpretation of the Payne Effect in Model Fractal-Aggregate Polymer Nanocomposite
Yang Wang, Gaëtan Maurel, Marc Couty, François Detcheverry, Samy Merabia
Macromolecules, vol. 57, p3636-3646 (2024)
How to steer active colloids up a vertical wall
Adérito Fins Carreira, Adam Wysocki, Christophe Ybert, Mathieu Leocmach, Heiko Rieger, Cecile Cottin-Bizonne
Nature Communications, vol. 15, p1710 (2024)
Experimental and numerical study of the evaporation of a pure water drop on a salt surface
Alexandra Mailleur, Christophe Pirat, Charlotte Rivière, Irina Vodolazskaya, Jean Colombani
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics (2024)
Tunable transport in bidisperse porous materials with vascular structure
Olivier O. Vincent, Théo Tassin, Erik J Huber, Abraham D Stroock
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 9, p064202 (2024)
Microscopic view on the polarization-resolved S-SHG intensity of the vapor/liquid interface of pure water
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, p154712 (2024)
Effects of salinity on the flow of dense colloidal suspensions
Marc Lagoin, Agnès Piednoir, Rémy Fulcrand, Antoine Bérut
Soft Matter, vol. 20, p3367-3375 (2024)
Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions
Thibaut Divoux, Elisabeth Agoritsas, Stefano Aime, Catherine Barentin, Jean-Louis Barrat, Roberto Benzi, Ludovic Berthier, Dapeng Bi, Giulio Biroli, Daniel Bonn, Philippe Bourrianne, Mehdi Bouzid, Emanuela del Gado, Hélène Delanoë-Ayari, Kasra Farain, Suzanne Fielding, Matthias Fuchs, Jasper van der Gucht, Silke Henkes, Maziyar Jalaal, Yogesh M Joshi, Anaël Lemaître, Robert L Leheny, Sébastien Manneville, Kirsten Martens, Wilson C. K. Poon, Marko Popović, Itamar Procaccia, Laurence Ramos, James A Richards, Simon Rogers, Saverio Rossi, Mauro Sbragaglia, Gilles Tarjus, Federico Toschi, Véronique Trappe, Jan Vermant, Matthieu Wyart, Francesco Zamponi, Davoud Zare
Soft Matter, vol. 20, p6868-6888 (2024)
FROG: exploiting all-atom Molecular Dynamics trajectories to calculate linear and non-linear optical responses of molecular liquids within Dalton's QM/MM polarizable embedding scheme
Guillaume Le Breton, Oriane Bonhomme, Emmanuel Benichou, Claire Loison
The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 160, p194103 (2024)
Microphase separation of living cells
A. Carrère, Joseph D’alessandro, Olivier Cochet-Escartin, J. Hesnard, N. Ghazi, Charlotte Rivière, C. Anjard, François Detcheverry, J.-P. Rieu
Nature Communications, vol. 14, p796 (2023)
Depressurization-induced drop breakup through bubble growth
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, pL091601 (2023)
Drying Drops of Paint Suspension: From “Fried Eggs” to Quasi-Homogeneous Patterns
Stella M.M. Ramos, Damien Soubeyrand, Rémy Fulcrand, Catherine Barentin
Langmuir, vol. 39, p13579−13587 (2023)
Continuous Manipulation and Characterization of Colloidal Beads and Liposomes via Diffusiophoresis in Single- and Double-Junction Microchannels
Adnan Chakra, Naval Singh, Goran Vladisavljević, François Nadal, Cecile Cottin-Bizonne, Christophe Pirat, Guido Bolognesi
ACS Nano, vol. 17, p14644–14657 (2023)
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