
  • Liquides et interfaces
  • BRILLOUIN / 1er / 11-006
  • 0472448570
Surfactant-induced dissipation in sheared foams: mechanics and thermodynamics
Yedhir Mezache, François Detcheverry, Bastien Di Pierro, Peter D M Spelt, Anne-Laure Biance, Marie Le Merrer
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 9 (2024)
Monitoring gypsum plaster setting in a foam through Raman spectroscopy
Physical Review Applied, vol. 18, p034078 (2022)
Interfacial Characterization of Ruthenium-Based Amphiphilic Photosensitizers
Yousra Timounay, Andrea Pannwitz, David Klein, Anne-Laure Biance, Marlene Hoefnagel, Indraneel Sen, Alain Cagna, Marie Le Merrer, Sylvestre Bonnet
Langmuir, vol. 38, p9697-9707 (2022)
Generation and stability of cement soap films
Djilani Ahmed Abdourahman, Arthur Geniere, Mélodie Auriol, Florent Dalas, Anne-Laure Biance, Marie Le Merrer
Soft Matter, vol. 17, p2429-2438 (2021)
Interparticle attraction controls flow heterogeneity in calcite gels
Teresa Liberto, Marie Le Merrer, Sébastien Manneville, Catherine Barentin
Soft Matter, vol. 16, p9217-9229 (2020)
Wall slip regimes in jammed suspensions of soft microgels
Justin Péméja, Géraud Baudouin, Catherine Barentin, Marie Le Merrer
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 4, p033301 (2019)
Simple ions control the elasticity of calcite gels via interparticle forces
Teresa Liberto, Catherine Barentin, Jean Colombani, Anna Costa, Davide Gardini, Maurizio Bellotto, Marie Le Merrer
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 553, p280-288 (2019)
Level-set simulations of a 2D topological rearrangement in a bubble assembly: effects of surfactant properties
Andrea Titta, Marie Le Merrer, François Detcheverry, Peter D M Spelt, Anne-Laure Biance
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 838, p222-247 (2018)
Comment on “Repulsion between calcite crystals and grain detachment during water-rock interaction” by Levenson and Emmanuel, 2017
Geochemical Perspectives Letters, p1 - 2 (2017)
Elasticity and yielding of calcite paste: scaling laws in a dense colloidal suspension
Teresa Liberto, Marie Le Merrer, Catherine Barentin, Maurizio Bellotto, Jean Colombani
Soft Matter, vol. 13, p2014-2023 (2017)
Bubbles slipping along a crenelated wall
D. Germain, Marie Le Merrer
EPL - Europhysics Letters, vol. 115, p64005 (2016)
Holes and cracks in rigid foam films
Pauline C. Petit, Marie Le Merrer, Anne-Laure Biance
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 774 (2015)
Linear and non-linear wall friction of wet foams
Marie Le Merrer, Remi Lespiat, Reinhard Höhler, Sylvie Cohen-Addad
Soft Matter, vol. 11, p368-381 (2015)
Yield stress and elasticity influence on surface tension measurements
Loren Jørgensen, Marie Le Merrer, Hélène Delanoë-Ayari, Catherine Barentin
Soft Matter, vol. 11, p5111-5121 (2015)
Laser-speckle-visibility acoustic spectroscopy in soft turbid media
Frederic Wintzenrieth, Sylvie Cohen-Addad, Marie Le Merrer, Reinhard Höhler
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 89, p012308 (2014)
Duration of bubble rearrangements in a coarsening foam probed by time-resolved diffusing-wave spectroscopy: Impact of interfacial rigidity
Marie Le Merrer, Sylvie Cohen-Addad, Reinhard Höhler
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 88, p022303 (2013)
Bubble Rearrangement Duration in Foams near the Jamming Point
Marie Le Merrer, Sylvie Cohen-Addad, Reinhard Höhler
Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, p188301 (2012)
Buckling of Viscous Filaments of a Fluid under Compression Stresses
Marie Le Merrer, David Quéré, Christophe Clanet
Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, p064502 (2012)
Trapping Leidenfrost Drops with Crenelations
Guillaume Dupeux, Marie Le Merrer, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré
Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, p114503 (2011)
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